Page 211 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 211
overview of innovative online tr ainings for educators
attention to the development of a European online knowledge and quali-
ty centre. The training possibilities support teachers, trainers, mentors and
other educators working with ESLers to develop and grow. Further edu-
cation of teachers, qualitative benchmarking of schools, tools for working
with beneficiaries and validation of international placements are the pro-
ject’s main goals. More than 30 trainings are available as professional de-
velopment training programmes for educators and several of them focus
on the factors that are common risk factors for early school leaving, such as
managing conflict, raising standards through mentoring etc. In addition,
more than 30 practices are available that offer best practices in the form of
records used by other educators. is also build-
ing the largest database of learning methods and good practices in the tri-
angle of learning, living and working. Any educator can join and share their
good practice or learning method and therefore receive feedback on their
own ideas. It was developed based on previous projects and materials devel-
oped in them (such as DISCO – Digital Second Chance Opportunities, that
was a project funded by the Erasmus + Programme (EFVET, n.d.), LION -
Learning, lIving, wOrking for Neet-group, that was a Gruntvig multilater-
al project, addressing the issues of people who are not in employment, ed-
ucation or training (CESIE, 2013) and EXACT – Excellence academy for
trainers, that was funded by the “Lifelong Learning Program” of the EC
(SecondChanceEducation, n.d.)).
OpeningUpSlovenia from Slovenia is a full-scale, national-level and
unique experimental case study that is attempting to create a unique nation-
wide research environment in open education. It is planned to support the
development and availability of: open digital pedagogies, open educational
resources, open ICT-based technologies, open innovative business models,
and open digitally-supported learning environments. The initiative is still
in its initial phase and development is in progress (OpeningUpSlovenia,
n.d.). Its main contribution should be open-access materials for different
focus points concerning education and also flexibility for developing areas
of interest to educators at any given moment. The test-bed comprises a co-
alition of all Slovenian universities, compulsory and vocational education
institutions with technical, research and industry partners.
Moreover, some course websites are designed for complementing face-
to-face professional development programmes (such as Neopass@ction or
attention to the development of a European online knowledge and quali-
ty centre. The training possibilities support teachers, trainers, mentors and
other educators working with ESLers to develop and grow. Further edu-
cation of teachers, qualitative benchmarking of schools, tools for working
with beneficiaries and validation of international placements are the pro-
ject’s main goals. More than 30 trainings are available as professional de-
velopment training programmes for educators and several of them focus
on the factors that are common risk factors for early school leaving, such as
managing conflict, raising standards through mentoring etc. In addition,
more than 30 practices are available that offer best practices in the form of
records used by other educators. is also build-
ing the largest database of learning methods and good practices in the tri-
angle of learning, living and working. Any educator can join and share their
good practice or learning method and therefore receive feedback on their
own ideas. It was developed based on previous projects and materials devel-
oped in them (such as DISCO – Digital Second Chance Opportunities, that
was a project funded by the Erasmus + Programme (EFVET, n.d.), LION -
Learning, lIving, wOrking for Neet-group, that was a Gruntvig multilater-
al project, addressing the issues of people who are not in employment, ed-
ucation or training (CESIE, 2013) and EXACT – Excellence academy for
trainers, that was funded by the “Lifelong Learning Program” of the EC
(SecondChanceEducation, n.d.)).
OpeningUpSlovenia from Slovenia is a full-scale, national-level and
unique experimental case study that is attempting to create a unique nation-
wide research environment in open education. It is planned to support the
development and availability of: open digital pedagogies, open educational
resources, open ICT-based technologies, open innovative business models,
and open digitally-supported learning environments. The initiative is still
in its initial phase and development is in progress (OpeningUpSlovenia,
n.d.). Its main contribution should be open-access materials for different
focus points concerning education and also flexibility for developing areas
of interest to educators at any given moment. The test-bed comprises a co-
alition of all Slovenian universities, compulsory and vocational education
institutions with technical, research and industry partners.
Moreover, some course websites are designed for complementing face-
to-face professional development programmes (such as Neopass@ction or