Page 302 - Mitja Sardoč, Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2018. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 26
P. 302
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju
educational research at the Educational Research Institute. From 1999–2015
he headed this programme. As the full professor he lectures at the graduate
School for Studies in Humanities (ISH) in Ljubljana. His research compri-
ses topics like education and social changes, politics, aesthetics and media.
Valerija Vendramin je doktorica ženskih študij, zaposlena pa je kot višja
znanstvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Med njenimi
raziskovalnimi področji so edukacijske študije, ženske študije in femini-
stična teorija ter kulturne študije (v tem okviru se ukvarja s problematiko,
ki zadeva konceptualizacijo spolne razlike, kurikulum in feministične kri-
tike znanosti oz. epistemološka vprašanja).
Valerija Vendramin, PhD in Women’s Studies, is a senior research associate
at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Among her current re-
search fields are educational studies, women's studies and feminist theory,
cultural studies (predominantly, but not exclusively, in connection to the
issues concerning the conceptualization of sexual difference, curriculum
and feminist critiques of science together with epistemological issues).
educational research at the Educational Research Institute. From 1999–2015
he headed this programme. As the full professor he lectures at the graduate
School for Studies in Humanities (ISH) in Ljubljana. His research compri-
ses topics like education and social changes, politics, aesthetics and media.
Valerija Vendramin je doktorica ženskih študij, zaposlena pa je kot višja
znanstvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Med njenimi
raziskovalnimi področji so edukacijske študije, ženske študije in femini-
stična teorija ter kulturne študije (v tem okviru se ukvarja s problematiko,
ki zadeva konceptualizacijo spolne razlike, kurikulum in feministične kri-
tike znanosti oz. epistemološka vprašanja).
Valerija Vendramin, PhD in Women’s Studies, is a senior research associate
at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. Among her current re-
search fields are educational studies, women's studies and feminist theory,
cultural studies (predominantly, but not exclusively, in connection to the
issues concerning the conceptualization of sexual difference, curriculum
and feminist critiques of science together with epistemological issues).