Page 183 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 183
the interplay of factors contributing to esl at the system level

system-related conclusions at the supranational level (Meierkord
& Mascherini, n.d.);
- even though the factors highlighted in the article are important
and measures derived from them should be carefully planned, at-
tention to both the measures used in other (non-educational) sec-
tors and to coordinated inter-sectorial actions is justified; namely,
system blockages, diametric splits and displacement across dif-
ferent polices and sectors can seriously undermine efforts made
(Downes, 2013). As indicated by the EC (2011), “all policies rele-
vant to children and young people should contribute to the strat-
egy against ESL. This concerns especially social policies and sup-
port services, employment, youth and integration policies. Every
new policy or measure aimed at children, young people, parents
or professionals working with children and young people, irre-
spective of whether related to the formal education system or not,
should thus be tested against its contribution to reducing ESL”
(pp. 14-15).


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