Page 89 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 89
m. adamović ■ what can we learn about feminism from web portals?

study conducted on large samples of British and German printed materi-
als, Jaworska and Krishnamurthy (2012) conclude that there is a tendency
of the feminist movement holding a negative connotation, which is chief-
ly connected with attributes such as past, obsolete and irrelevant.


The research was conducted on all articles published in 2019 tagged under
“feminism” on the five most visited Croatian Internet portals according
to the Gemius Audience report:1 24 sata,,, Večernji and The number of articles collected by this method was
N=18. Most articles were published by the portal (7), fol-
lowed by Večernji (6), (2), (2) and 24 (1).

The sample articles were recorded, saved and analysed using NVivo12
software. The data were processed using qualitative analysis, namely the-
matic analysis using the “six-phase framework” first suggested for themat-
ic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2006) and Clarke and Braun (2013).

The first step of the analysis was initial coding in order to group the
content and determine the themes. Text coding was done by a single per-
son – the author of this paper. The number of texts included in the analy-
sis is relatively small and, even though there was some concern that there
would be an overlapping of themes (Maguire & Delahunt, 2017, p. 3356)
and inadequate diversification in approaching feminist themes and sub-
themes, in my opinion, this did not occur during the data analysis, proba-
bly due to the different editorial concepts of the analysed portals.

Since Braun and Clarke (2006) distinguish between semantic and
latent analysis, we chose the latent approach, which tries to reveal ideas,
assumptions and conceptualisations, i.e. to provide deeper analytical in-
sights. This latent analysis was conducted in line with an established theo-
retical framework that Braun and Clarke call a top-down theoretical the-
matic analysis (2006, p. 83) and which dictated the formulation of our
research questions:
Question 1: What kind of content is tagged as “feminism” on the most

visited web portals?
Question 2: Can different interpretations of “feminist” and feminism be

identified in the media’s approach to themes?
Following the identification of themes, in this case, different ap-
proaches to feminism, in order to gain an insight into the latent data
structure, we constructed a thematic map providing an interpretative
framework on who is the main actor in feminism; what kind of feminist

1 Retrieved March 12, 2020, from
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