Page 91 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 91
m. adamović ■ what can we learn about feminism from web portals?

Amelia Earhart (the pilot). These women are pioneers in their professions
and achieved exceptional feats in their lives.

The name Billie Jean King is written in history in gold letters. With 129 tour-
nament wins in her career, which includes 39 Grand Slam titles, this legendary
American is one of the most successful female tennis players of all time. (FP–1)

Amelia Earhart is the most famous female pilot of all time… the first woman to fly
over the Atlantic and to attempt to fly around the globe. (FP–2)

The main actors are women and the topic is their success fighting ei-
ther men or patriarchal norms and how they became synonyms of female
empowerment, which is the focus of this feminist theme.

The 55-year-old Riggs challenged Billie to a duel in an effort to prove that female
tennis players are inferior to men. He claimed that no woman is strong enough to
beat him… To the general amazement of the men and delight of the women, Billie
outright defeated Riggs in a tennis match played according to tennis rules for men.

The theme is covered from the position of merging the private and
public lives of the actors, with an emphasis on the individual hierarchical
power relations typical of patriarchy and traditional societies and closely
connected with the public and private lives of both women.

Billie was the first prominent sportswoman in history to publicly declare herself a
lesbian … The famous tennis player decided to stop hiding her sexual orientation.
At that point in history, the truth could have severely damaged her career and fam-
ily relations. (FP–1)

I wanted to come out even sooner, but my parents were homophobic. And besides,
people kept telling me that it would mean the end of women’s professional tennis.

The title of one of the articles makes an unclear and sensationalist
reference to feminist content in order to mask an educational item on the
feminist successes of individual women. Namely, the hierarchical position
of women is emphasised in the title “Women should stay in the bedroom”,
which evokes the dominant message given to women at that time. Yet is
also serves to grab the attention of modern-day readers because it suggests
that the article is about female sexuality and their affiliation with the
“bedroom”, whereby more naive readers are tricked into reading an edu-
cational-feminist article. Alongside the topics of patriarchy and tradition-
al values, the problem of women entering male professions also stands out.

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