Page 93 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 93
m. adamović ■ what can we learn about feminism from web portals?

The actor in this framework is the highest politically positioned
woman in 2019, the then President of the Republic of Croatia, who before
becoming president was a member of the Croatian Democratic Union, a
right-wing nationalist party. This framework never underlines what actu-
ally constitutes an activity connected to feminism, except for stressing the
Fulbright Lifetime Achievement Award the President received for “her re-
markable, contributions as a leader, diplomat, and public servant”2 which
is also omitted from the text, as it only mentions how the President was a
Fulbright scholar in the early 2000s when she studied in the USA. Viewed
politically, the only thing standing out is her presiding over the Council of
Women World Leaders, which is also not mentioned further in the text.

The activities detailed in the text are primarily of a ceremonial or
commemorative nature, with a special emphasis on the award being ded-
icated to the President’s “family and homeland”, which stresses the emo-
tional and national charge of her statement.

“I’m proud to dedicate this award tonight to my family and my homeland”, stated
Grabar Kitarović, a onetime Fulbright scholar. (FPO–1)

The emancipatory potential of writing about feminism is reflected in
presenting the actor’s personal stance, which basically deals with the wid-
er issue of human rights.

Her experience during the scholarship taught her not to fall prey to prejudice and
to keep an open mind to new ideas and new cultures. (FPO–1)

In the conclusion of the article are the words of the politician which
finally point to the problem of gender equality, even though there is no
mention of patriarchal power relations. They stress that women “are more
than victims”, so even though the text deals with the present time, the fu-
ture dimension is hinted at in the vague vision of women as future agents
of crucial social changes, which may be interpreted as a kind of evaluation
of the vast female potential for social change.

Women are still unequal. Even though we have achieved a lot, the discrimination
and abuse of women and girls, as well as denying their rights, remain widespread.
This concerns all women, regardless of their background, their age or position in
society. But don’t view women as only victims… they are a source of strength and
change. (FPO–1)

From the distribution of social power viewpoint, this framework ex-
plicitly mentions gender but still in vague terms given the practice of not

2 Retrieved August 24, 2020, from

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