Page 233 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 233
recenziji ■ reviews

teach all of our students the basics of the electoral process, the role of vari-
ous government bodies and departments, stress the importance of voting,
the importance and need for active political and social participation and
to critically reflect on past and current national and international politi-
cal and economic actions.


Adam, F. (2020a) Od postsocialistične tranzicije do »velikega« moža. In
Adam, F. (ed.). Med meritokracijo in populizmom: O kakofoniji podat-
kov v postfaktični družbi, pp. 187–196. Ljubljana: Inštitut za razvojne
in strateške analize.

Adam, F. (2020b) Globalizacija, potrošništvo in trajnostni razvoj. In Adam,
F. (ed.). Med meritokracijo in populizmom: O kakofoniji podatkov v po-
stfaktični družbi, pp. 197–208. Ljubljana: Inštitut za razvojne in strate-
ške analize.

Heggart, K., Flowers, R., Burridge, N., and Arvanitakis, J. (2018)
Refreshing Critical Pedagogy and Citizenship Education Through the
Lens of Justice and Complexity Pedagogy. Global Studies of Childhood
8 (4), pp. 355–367.
Maja Dolinar

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