Page 145 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 145
vidmar et al. ■ key challenges in addressing autism in preschool education ...

and adjustments), learning how to take a break before getting over­
whelmed is crucial.


Based on the observations we can conclude, that observed teachers were
generally not trained to recognize the signs of autism or how to help or
teach a child with ASD. In one preschool, more use of special strategies
was observed, and some teachers possess the necessary knowledge and
competences, while in other cases no special strategies or methods are
used with these children. However, all teachers feel overwhelmed with
many different special needs that they need to attend to. Thus, training of
these competences in teachers is warranted. The project ETTECEC will
develop needs-based on-line training to address the issues recognized in
this study. Some guidelines for teacher training are proposed here:

1. The teachers are exposed to the content of a module (self-learning).
2. Teachers implement what was learned to their practice.
3. Teachers capture their practice on video.
4. The teachers undergo a supervision and video analysis with the

trainer after implementing each module into their practice.

After the development and implementation of the training in the
participating preschools, the training will be disseminated beyond the
teachers and preschools included in the project. This will further enhance
the impact of the project and give feedback about the generalizability of
the findings in the project. This can support the inclusion of the topic of
autism and working with children with ASD in continuous teacher edu­
cation for preschool teachers from around Slovenia.


APA, American Psychiatric Association (2013) Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Autism Europe (2018) About autism. [web page]. http://www.autismeurope.
org/about-autism/ (accessed 11 July 2018).

EC, European Commission (2017) Strategic framework – Education
and Training 2020.

EC, European Commission (2013) Support for children with spe­
cial educational needs (SEN).

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