Page 142 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 142
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 3–4

Preschool 2
Observations took place in two groups with the following characteristics:

Table 2

Age of children 1–2 years 4–6 years
24 children
Number of children 14 children 2 (teacher and assistant teacher)

Number of adults 2 (teacher and assistant teacher)


Physical context. Preschool has a large backyard and large front yard with
playgrounds. The yards are fenced and double secured (children cannot
get to the street by themselves). There are a lot of little sitting areas as well
as shade all around the yards. The equipment on the play areas (swings,
slides, 3 large sandboxes with roof) is modern and within legal national
safety standards. Most of the playrooms on the ground level have a small­
er fenced playground (within the bigger yards) to which children can ac­
cess directly from the playroom. In the back of the building, there is a
stream and a forest. There are no animals but the ones naturally present
(birds, bugs …). The individual rooms are well equipped, some more spa­
cious than others – within the national standards, all have good natural
lighting. Furniture, toys and other equipment in the rooms are adapted
according to group ages.

Temporal context. In the group with 1 to 2-year-olds, teachers focus
on feeding the children, changing diapers and taking care of general com­
fort of the children. A lot of children cry and are unable to communicate
their needs at this age. There are some guided activities in smaller groups
focusing on art and music, they play outside or go for a walk daily. In the
group with 4 to 6-year-olds most of the children are around 6 years old
and will start to attend school in September. Only 2 children are under 5,
and two more will go to school a year later due to maturity issues. The dai­
ly schedule in this group is a flexible routine. A lot of time is devoted to
their weekly theme, free play, and outdoor play.

Emotional context. In the older group, teachers promote empathy
among children; some of their time is devoted for building social compe­
tences of children – in different everyday situations. Emotional and social
rules are not thought systematically nor visually enhanced – rather when
a situation occurs. In the 1-2 age group, a lot of time is spent to comfort
the children and take care of their primary needs. Emotional competenc­
es and social rules are not taught systematically.

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