Page 139 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 139
vidmar et al. ■ key challenges in addressing autism in preschool education ...

parents: Does your child speak about preschool at home? In what terms?
Do you turn to teachers when you seek advice regarding the behaviour of
your child? (3) for children: Do you like your preschool/your class? What
do you like? What don’t you like? Who are your friends you play with in

In the 1st preschool, we had 2 days of observations, which started with
interviews with mothers (30 minutes) and continued with observations
in and outside of the classroom (about 4 hours). Two researchers took
notes in the observational scheme. Interviews with the children (10 min­
utes) were done inside this time frame also, as we tried to engage them
in conversation through play. We finished the days with interviews with
the teacher and her assistant teacher (one per researcher) (30 minutes).
Collected data was then compared by researchers and merged into one

In the 2nd preschool, we also had 2 days of observations (about
4 hours each day) that were followed by teacher’s interviews (about 30
minutes) and later in the afternoon by interviewing the two mothers by
phone (about 20 minutes). One researcher took notes in the observational
scheme. Interviews with children were done during the observation time.
Collected data was later presented in a report.


Preschool 1
Observations took place in two groups with the following characteristics:

Table 1

Age of children 4–5 years 2–4 years
17 children present
Number of children 19/22 children present
2 teachers
Number of adults 4 adults (2 teachers and 2 extra
adults for special needs children)


Physical context. The preschool is located in the centre of the capital city
Ljubljana. Physical context is in accordance with national standards. It has
a large fenced backyard with several playground “stations” (swings, slides,
sandbox …), sitting areas, grass areas, trees, access to water. There are only
animals naturally present. The building has three storeys with lots of nat­
ural light. The gates are secured with child-proof locks, so children can­
not leave the preschool on their own. Common spaces are spacious with

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