Page 137 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, št. 3-4: K paradigmam raziskovanja vzgoje in izobraževanja, ur. Valerija Vendramin
P. 137
vidmar et al. ■ key challenges in addressing autism in preschool education ...

- This is an important project as there are no such models or materials
currently available. Furthermore, the negative impact of disability in
general, and autism in particular, affects key areas of concern such as
social inclusion, equal opportunities, educational achievement, em­
ployment and quality of life.

- Foreseeing cultural diversity and the educational, economic and
social inequalities through the different Member States of the
European Union to adapt the programmes and the materials result­
ing from the project to be used effectively in each country.

- Forecasting the low impact of the project in those European coun­
tries where the project has not been put in place.

- EU citizens’ lack of knowledge and understanding about the impor­
tance of providing specific training on the autism spectrum for pre-
school teachers.

The ETTECEC partnership brings together academics and profes­
sionals from various education centres and autism organisations across
Europe. Those involved come from various backgrounds – both nation­
al and cultural – and have a wide set of skills. The project coordinator,
Asociación Mi Hijo y Yo from Spain will work closely with all the other
partners: Svetovalnica za avtizem and the Educational Research Institute
(Pedagoški inštitut) from Slovenia, the Fakultní mateřská škola Sluníčko
pod střechou při Pedf UK (Mateřská škola) and Schola Empirica from the
Czech Republic and Autism-Europe from Belgium.

The present study
The first step in the process was identification of real-life situations. These
situations were obtained through observations in the classroom and
structured interviews with the relevant stakeholders (pre-school teachers,
parents, children, experts on this field etc.) in three participating coun­
tries (Spain, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic). One of the aims of the
present study is to identify real-life situations and key challenges teachers
in pre-schools are faced with in Slovenia. In this article, we present find­
ings based on observations and interviews in Slovenia and propose which
competences are needed for the teachers to be better equipped to address
them. Obtained real-life situations will, later on, serve as a basis for the de­
velopment of the training content.

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