Page 209 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 209

of the American Dream has been focusing on. It also introduces the arti-
cles and the interview on some of the most pressing issues associated with
the American Dream and its relationship with education.
Keywords: American Dream, education, social mobility, (in)equality,
‘standard’ interpretation
Mitja Sardoč
Kot osrednji element ameriške kulture predstavljajo ameriške sanje destil-
irano različico temeljnih ameriških vrednot ter najpomembnejši emanci-
pacijski ideal, povezan z ameriškim načinom življenja. Ta uvodni članek
tematske številke o izobraževanju in ameriških sanjah opredeli nekatere
izmed izzivov, s katerimi se sooča t.i. ‘standardna’ interpretacija ameriških
sanj. Obenem prispevek tudi predstavi članke ter intervju, ki obravnavajo
nekatera najbolj pereča vprašanja povezana z ameriškimi sanjami ter nji-
hovim odnosom do izobraževanja.
Keywords: ameriške sanje, izobraževanje socialna mobilnost, (ne)enakost,
‘standardna’ interpretacija
Srečo Dragoš
One of the major (three) parts of American dream – as formulated by
the Nobel Prize winner, Martin Luther King, jr. – was a social issue. Just
when American society has reached the consensus that without the re-
duction of social inequalities, neither the individual nor the society can be
free, there was a change in policy. American fight against poverty has been
lost at the very beginning due to neoliberal abuse of theory of poverty as
a culture (Oscar Lewis). The wrong weapon was used: instead of material
help and rights resocialization and moralization in the fight against pov-
erty prevailed. The result is that these dreams turned into a global toxic
product of US exports. By hijacking from above, That American dreams
have become a limited asset that can only be realized by the richest at the
expense of all others who have not yet wakened. In the last third of this
article, the author analysis two questions, one of which has local and the
other has a global meaning. The first question is about the resilience of the
American dreams, which are strengthened in proportion to the distance
from their origin, that is, why the above mentioned dreams are the strong-
est on the global periphery (the case of Slovenia). And secondly, whether
such a development is more dependent on voluntaristic or more on deter-
ministic factors.

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