Page 213 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 213

Igor Bijuklič
Igor Bijuklič, finished his PhD thesis (2014) on the history of modern
propaganda and PR techniques. He participated as a research fellow in
the following projects at the Peace Institute in Ljubljana concerning the
history of modern antipolitical paradigms: »Drucker and Postsocial-
ism« (2005-2006), »Critical Reflections on the Managerial Revolution«
(2006-2008), »Trans-disciplinary view on America« (2010-2012). Be-
tween 2013 and 2015, he was employed as a researcher at the Center for
Social and Anthropological Research in Education at the Educational
Research Institute in Ljubljana. From 2015 on, he is working as a Ph.D. as-
sistant at the Faculty of Management, University of Primorska.
Igor Bijuklič je doktorsko disertacijo zaključil leta 2014 na temo zgodovine
moderne propagande in PR tehnik. Sodeloval je v raziskovalnih projek-
tih o zgodovini modernih antipolitičnih paradigem na Mirovnem inšti-
tutu v Ljubljani: »Drucker in postsocializem« (2005–2006), »Kritična
razmišljanja o managerski revoluciji« (2006–2008), »Trans-disciplin-
ski pogled na Ameriko« (2010–2012). Od leta 2013 do 2015 je zaposlen
kot raziskovalec v Centru za družbene in antropološke raziskave v izo-
braževanju na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Od leta 2015 dalje dela
kot asistent z doktoratom na Fakulteti za management na Univerzi na Pri-
Srečo Dragoš
Srečo Dragoš, PhD in sociology, is a social worker and a professor of soci-
ology at the Faculty for Social Work (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia).

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