Page 188 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 188
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 3–4

XXV. Difficult task
A difficult task is proposed to the hero. (M)
Ordeal by food and drink.
Ordeal by fire.
Riddle guessing and similar ordeals.
Ordeal of choice.
To kiss the princess in a window.
To jump up on top of the gates.
Test of strength, adroitness, fortitude.
Test of endurance.
Tasks of supply and manufacture.
Other tasks.
XXVI. Solution
The task is resolved. (N)
XXVII. Recognition
The hero is recognized (Q).
He is recognized by a mark, a brand (a wound, a star marking), or by a
thing given to him (a ring, towel). In this case, recognition serves as a
function corresponding to branding and marking. The hero is also rec-
ognized by his accomplishment of a difficult task (this is almost always
preceded by an unrecognized arrival).
XXVIII. Exposure
The false hero or the villain is exposed. (Ex)
XXIX. Transfiguration
The hero is given a new appearance. (T)
A new appearance is directly effected by means of the magical action of a
helper. (T1)
The hero builds a marvellous palace. (T2)
The hero puts on new garments. (T3)
Rationalized and humorous forms. (T4)
XXX. Punishment
The villain is punished. (U)
XXXI. Wedding
The hero is married and ascends the throne. (W)

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