Page 187 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 187
. gutman ■ the morphological and archetypal traces in the american dream

The object of a quest is obtained as the direct result of preceding actions.
The object of search is obtained instantly through the use of a magical
agent. (K5)
The use of a magical agent overcomes poverty. (K6)
The object of search is caught. (K7)
The spell on a person is broken. (K8)
A slain person is revived. (K9)
A captive is freed. (K10)
XX. Return

The hero returns. ↓

XXI. Pursuit, chase
The hero is pursued:
The pursuer flies after the hero. (Pr1)
He demands the guilty person. (Pr2)
He pursues the hero, rapidly transforming himself into various animals,
etc. (Pr3)
Pursuers (dragons’ wives, etc.) turn into alluring objects and place them-
selves in the path of the hero. (Pr4)
The pursuer tries to devour the hero. (Pr5)
The pursuer attempts to kill the hero. (Pr6)
He tries to gnaw through a tree in which the hero is taking refuge. (Pr7)
XXII. Rescue
Rescue of the hero from pursuit:
He is carried away through the air. (Rs1)
The hero flees, placing obstacles in the path of his pursuer. (Rs2)
The hero, while in flight, changes into objects which make him unrecog-
nizable. (Rs3)
The hero hides himself during his flight. (Rs4)
The hero is hidden by blacksmiths. (Rs5)
The hero saves himself while in flight by means of rapid transformations
into animals, stones, etc. (Rs6)
He avoids the temptations of transformed she-dragons. (Rs7)
He does not allow himself to be devoured. (Rs8)
He is saved from an attempt on his life. (Rs9)
He jumps to another tree. (Rs10)
XXIII. Unrecognized arrival
The hero, unrecognized, arrives home or in another country. (o)
XXIV. Unfounded claims
A false hero presents unfounded claims. (L)

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