Page 185 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 185
. gutman ■ the morphological and archetypal traces in the american dream

The sign ( ) designates the route of the hero, regardless of whether he is a
seeker or not. In certain tales a spatial transference of the hero is absent.
XII. The first function of the donor
The hero is tested, interrogated, attacked, etc., which prepares the way for
his receiving either a magical agent or helper:
The donor tests the hero (D1)
The donor greets and interrogates the hero. (D2)
A dying or deceased person requests the rendering of a service. (D3)
A prisoner begs for his freedom. (D4)
The hero is approached with a request for mercy. (D5)
Disputants request a division of property. (D6)
Other requests. (D7)
A hostile creature attempts to destroy the hero. (D8)
A hostile creature engages the hero in combat. (D8)
The hero is shown a magical agent which is offered for exchange. (D10)
XIII. The hero’s reaction
The hero reacts to the actions of the future donor. /…/ In the majority of
instances, the reaction is either positive or negative.
The hero withstands (or does not withstand) a test. (E1)
The hero answers (or does not answer) a greeting. (E2)
He renders (or does not render) a service to a dead person. (E3)
He frees a captive. (E4).
He shows mercy to a suppliant. (E5)
He completes an apportionment and reconciles the disputants. (E6)
The hero performs some other service. (E7)
The hero saves himself from an attempt on his life by employing the same
tactics used by his adversary. (E8)
The hero vanquishes (or does not vanquish) his adversary. (E9)
The hero agrees to an exchange, but immediately employs the magic pow-
er of the object exchanged against the barterer. (E10)
XIV. Provision or receipt of a magical agent
The hero acquires the use of a magical agent:
The agent is directly transferred. (F1)
The agent is pointed out. (F2)
The agent is prepared. (F3)
The agent is sold and purchased. (F4)
The agent falls into the hands of the hero by chance (is found by him). (F5)
The agent suddenly appears of its own accord. (F6)
The agent is eaten or drunk. (F7)
The agent is seized. (F8)

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