Page 186 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 186
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 3–4

Various characters place themselves at the disposal of the hero. (F9)
XV. Spatial transference between two kingdoms, guidance
The hero is transferred, delivered, or led to the whereabouts of an object
of search:
The hero flies through the air. (G1)
He travels on the ground or on water. (G2)
He is led. (G3)
The route is shown to him. (G4)
He makes use of stationary means of communication. (G5)
He follows bloody tracks. (G6)
XVI. Struggle
The hero and the villain join in direct combat.
This form needs to be distinguished from the struggle (fight) with a hos-
tile donor. These two forms can be distinguished by their results. If the
hero obtains an agent, for the purpose of further searching, as the result of
an unfriendly encounter, this would be element D. If, on the other hand,
the hero receives through victory the very object of his quest, we have sit-
uation H.
They fight in an open field. (H1)
They engage in a competition. (H2)
They play cards. (H3)
XVII. Branding, marking
The hero is branded:
A brand is applied to the body. (J1)
The hero receives a ring or a towel. (J2)
XVIII. Victory
The villain is defeated:
The villain is beaten in open combat. (I1)
He is defeated in a contest. (I2)
He loses at cards. (I3)
He loses on being weighed. (I4)
He is killed without a preliminary fight. (I5)
He is banished directly. (I6)
XIX. Liquidation
The initial misfortune or lack is liquidated. /…/ the narrative reaches its
peak in this function.
The object of a search is seized by the use of force or cleverness. (K1)
The object of search is obtained by several personages at once, through a
rapid interchange of their actions. (K2)
The object of search is obtained with the help of enticements. (K3)

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