Page 184 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 184
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 3–4

The villain causes bodily injury. (A6)
The villain causes a sudden disappearance. (A7)
The villain demands or entices his victim. (A8)
The villain expels someone. (A9)
The villain orders someone to be thrown into the sea. (A10)
The villain casts a spell upon someone or something. (A11)
The villain effects a substitution. (A12)
The villain orders a murder to be committed. (A13)
The villain commits murder. (A14)
The villain imprisons or detains someone. (A15)
The villain threatens forced matrimony. (A16)
The villain makes a threat of cannibalism. (A17)
The villain torments at night. (A18)
The villain declares war. (A19)
VIII A: Lack
One member of a family either lacks something or desires to have some-
Lack of bride. (a1)
A magical agent is needed. (a2)
Wondrous objects are lacking (without magical power). (a3)
A specific form /…/ is lacking. (a4)
Rationalized forms /…/ are lacking. (a5)
Various other forms. (a6)
IX. Mediation, the Connective incident
Misfortune or lack is made known; the hero is approached with a request
or command; he is allowed to go or he is dispatched:
A call for help is given, with the resultant dispatch. (B1)
The hero is dispatched directly. (B2)
The hero is allowed to depart from home. (B3)
Misfortune is announced. (B4)
The banished hero is transported away from home. (B5)
The hero condemned to death is secretly freed. (B5)
A lament is sung. (B6)
X. Beginning counteraction
The seeker agrees to or decides upon counteraction. (C)
This moment is characteristic only of those tales in which the hero is a
seeker. Banished, vanquished, bewitched, and substituted heroes demon-
strate no volitional aspiration toward freedom, and in such cases this ele-
ment is lacking.
XI. Departure
The hero leaves home. ( )

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