Page 88 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 88
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 1–2

Codes Code Applications Recording Unit Examples
Encouraging Sentences which primarily indicate “An education at Imperial will give
Student Intellectual that teaching, courses, educational them insight and guidance into
Curiosity events, and/or other learning how they progress from a superficial
resources will be made available, engagement with this information
which are geared towards enabling to a deeper understanding. We
students to pursue their intellectual will teach students how to process
interests and critically and actively information in a way that extracts
engage with their chosen and meaning, connects concepts and
other disciplines irrespective of derives insight. Mastery of their
whether these are related to a future chosen discipline requires them to
profession. develop conceptual and practical
skills and practically apply this
as they process knowledge and
information” –From Imperial
College London’s Learning and
Teaching Strategy

Global Citizenship Sentences that primarily emphasize “Our teaching aims to inspire our
& Moral Character institutional efforts and/or students, challenge them, develop
commitments towards helping their curiosity and encourage them
students to develop into thoughtful, to take greater ownership of their
well-rounded, and conscientious learning, avoiding being passive
global citizens. recipients of knowledge.” -From
Learning and Teaching at the University
of Sheffield 2016-2021
“Students will develop as
global citizens, socially and
environmentally aware, and sensitive
to international contexts and
cultures.” -From York University’s
Learning & Teaching Strategy 2015-2020

“Students who undertake an
education at King’s do not just
engage in a transaction, but a
commitment to serve society and to
be active and responsible citizens”.
–From King’s College London’s
Education Strategy 2017-22

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