Page 86 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 86
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 1–2

Codes Code Applications Recording Unit Examples
Research Sentences that highlight examples of “Our ambition is to be a world-
applied research, or which indicate leading university, where
Performativity that time, support, and financial researchers produce work of the
resources will be afforded to applied highest significance and impact.
research. This includes research We will be distinguished by our
which has immediate commercial or interdisciplinary research, for
industrial utility; social, cultural, or training outstanding researchers
policy ‘impact’; and/or some other and giving parity of esteem and
potential to generate income from to discovery, application, and
interested private, governmental, or knowledge transfer and impact.”
third-sector organisations. -From Manchester 2020 The University

of Manchester’s Strategic Plan

“We will continue to improve the
volume and quality of collaborative
research with commercial
organisations to increase our
research income and economic
impact.” –From Southampton
University’s A Connected University.
Vision 2020

Sentences which suggest that “All staff on teaching and research
auditing and evaluation instruments contracts will achieve outcomes that
will be used to measure departments’ meet institutional policy principles
and faculty’s teaching and/or of world-leading and internationally
research performance. These excellent research and impact by
instruments include for example, the 2026”. –From Liverpool University’s
Research and Teaching Excellence Research And Impact Strategy 2016-2021
Frameworks, student satisfaction
surveys, and graduate employment “We now collect a good deal of
figures. information from our students
about how they feel about UCL and
their education – in module surveys,
internal surveys and through the
National Student Survey (NSS). We
will invest more comprehensively in
this rich resource.” –From University
College London’s Education Strategy

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