Page 85 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 85
leyva ■ unpacking the usage and implications of neoliberal language ...

Table I: Codebook For Neoliberal University Discourses

Codes Code Applications Recording Unit Examples
Sentences that directly or otherwise “Review, reshape and expand our
Value For Money primarily communicate institutional portfolio of taught postgraduate
commitment to enhancing student masters’ and continuing professional
professional development. This development programmes to
includes for example, excerpts ensure they are fit for purpose in
that indicate or stress the planned the national and international
embedding of employment skills marketplace in terms of their
with course objectives; the increase content, structure and modes
in career advice resources, public- of delivery, and maximise their
private partnerships, internship potential to boost the employability
opportunities, study abroad of our graduates.”. -From Bristol
programmes; and/or other initiatives University’s Our Vision. Our Strategy.
to improve students’ ability to
successfully compete for graduate- “Provide information for employers
level jobs. on teaching excellence within the
University to allow employers to
choose graduates with appropriate
skills sets.” -From Queen’s University
Belfast’s Education Strategy 2016-2021:

Sentences that emphasize the “We will protect our main
given university’s reputation, income sources and improve
status, and commitments to raising competitiveness through a focused
their national and international and market-driven approach to
profile; strategies for sustaining our educational provision. We
or expanding income streams will rapidly adjust our programme
such as adding courses that are portfolio to changes in demand.”
commercially viable; and/or -From Nottingham University’s
investments in infrastructure and
services to help ensure student Global Strategy 2020
recruitment and satisfaction. In “ We will need to make explicit
other words, these excerpts directly the value that is added to students’
or implicitly speak to a given experience through the cultural,
university’s concerns or plans to volunteering and sporting
increase student enrollment figures opportunities available on our
and investments in other areas to exceptional campus and in the
maximize institutional growth and city that is our home. In a more
financial sustainability. competitive fee environment,
we must become the destination
of choice”. -From Birmingham
University’s Shaping Our Future;
Birmingham 2015

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