Page 87 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 1-2: The Language of Neoliberal Education, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 87
leyva ■ unpacking the usage and implications of neoliberal language ...

Table II: Codebook For Traditional University Discourses

Codes Code Applications Recording Unit Examples
Academic Freedom
(Teaching) Sentences that communicate “These aims are firmly grounded
institutional commitment to in an institution where, for the
protecting or otherwise ensuring majority of programmes, students
the liberty for faculty to decide on are required to be in residence, and
how and which subjects to teach – where: there is a significant level
irrespective of a subject’s commercial of local autonomy in delivery of
utility or viability or controversial provision (the quality of which is
content. assured by proportionate central
mechanisms)”. –From Cambridge
University’s Learning and Teaching
Strategy, 2015-18

“To our staff, we commit to the
promotion of a collegial community,
supporting academic freedom and
alert to the needs and aspirations of
its members.” -From Queen Mary
University of London Strategy 2014 –
the Next Five Years

Sentences which indicate that time, “We prize academic independence
support, and financial resources and curiosity driven research at
will be afforded to the pursuit of Durham”. –From the Research and
intellectual curiosity driven research Engagement web-section of Durham’s
that generates new ideas, theories, University Strategy 2017-2027
models, or principles, but which
may not be immediately utilized, “A great university both conveys the
Pure Research have commercial application, or knowledge created by its community

a sociocultural impact. This is and is open to new ideas generated
sometimes also referred to as basic or elsewhere. We will maintain the
blue skies research. freedom for individuals and research
groups to decide what to research”.
–From Oxford University’s Strategic
Plan 2013-18

   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92