Page 123 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 123
enhancing knowledge and skills in autism spectrum disorders ...
3.2.2. Specific CPD training related to ASD
In various countries, educators in ECEC are supported by official docu-
ments and guidelines for working with SEN children, or more specifical-
ly, ASD. In Slovenia, educators in ECEC are guided by the Kindergarten
Curriculum (1999) and additional guidelines in the Instructions regard-
ing the Kindergarten Curriculum with adapted implementation and addi-
tional professional support for SEN children (2003) and associated Supple-
ment for working with ASD children (2016). In Sweden, inclusive education
teaching materials and courses for kindergarten are provided by the School
Authority for Special Education. In Spain, the selected ASD interventions
are supported by official documents such as the Child Education Teach-
ing Specialties, Child Education staff in private schools (both national doc-
uments), and Child Education staff in the first cycle (regional document).
In Italy, the national management for ASD is guided by the Guidelines for
autism proposed in Law 134/2015 (Ddl Autismo; GU Serie Generale n.199,
2015, which focuses on inclusion, early diagnosis, and individualized treat-
ment based on scientific evidence.
Examples of training programmes/courses and ASD-specific CPD pro-
viders in the selected countries are presented in Table 8. In Slovenia, vari-
ous training programs are available for working with children with special
educational needs, including some that specifically focus on ASD (see Table
8). In Sweden, there is no course specifically focused on teaching and car-
ing for children with ASD in preschool, however, the SPSM (the National
Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools) offers support and con-
sultations for the development of knowledge and practice in special needs
issues, while new stricter requirements for competencies related to neu-
ropsychiatric difficulties/conditions in schools and preschools are expect-
ed to be in place from July 2021 (Regeringskansliet, 2020). In Spain, CPD
training focused on ASD is carried out with interventions based on the
Denver Model and other early intervention approaches. In Cyprus, CPD
related to ASD comprises master's and postgraduate courses at universi-
ties, seminars, and workshops that may focus on ASD-specific approaches
like ABA or more general topics related to special and inclusive education
with ASD references. Finally, in Italy, they have a training course for teach-
ers specializing in support, special approaches (e.g., TEACCH) and cours-
es which are limited to specific regions. Same as the general CPD providers
(see Table 7), ASD-specific providers also consist of both public institutions
(e.g. Universities, Teacher training centres) as well as private entities (e.g.,
3.2.2. Specific CPD training related to ASD
In various countries, educators in ECEC are supported by official docu-
ments and guidelines for working with SEN children, or more specifical-
ly, ASD. In Slovenia, educators in ECEC are guided by the Kindergarten
Curriculum (1999) and additional guidelines in the Instructions regard-
ing the Kindergarten Curriculum with adapted implementation and addi-
tional professional support for SEN children (2003) and associated Supple-
ment for working with ASD children (2016). In Sweden, inclusive education
teaching materials and courses for kindergarten are provided by the School
Authority for Special Education. In Spain, the selected ASD interventions
are supported by official documents such as the Child Education Teach-
ing Specialties, Child Education staff in private schools (both national doc-
uments), and Child Education staff in the first cycle (regional document).
In Italy, the national management for ASD is guided by the Guidelines for
autism proposed in Law 134/2015 (Ddl Autismo; GU Serie Generale n.199,
2015, which focuses on inclusion, early diagnosis, and individualized treat-
ment based on scientific evidence.
Examples of training programmes/courses and ASD-specific CPD pro-
viders in the selected countries are presented in Table 8. In Slovenia, vari-
ous training programs are available for working with children with special
educational needs, including some that specifically focus on ASD (see Table
8). In Sweden, there is no course specifically focused on teaching and car-
ing for children with ASD in preschool, however, the SPSM (the National
Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools) offers support and con-
sultations for the development of knowledge and practice in special needs
issues, while new stricter requirements for competencies related to neu-
ropsychiatric difficulties/conditions in schools and preschools are expect-
ed to be in place from July 2021 (Regeringskansliet, 2020). In Spain, CPD
training focused on ASD is carried out with interventions based on the
Denver Model and other early intervention approaches. In Cyprus, CPD
related to ASD comprises master's and postgraduate courses at universi-
ties, seminars, and workshops that may focus on ASD-specific approaches
like ABA or more general topics related to special and inclusive education
with ASD references. Finally, in Italy, they have a training course for teach-
ers specializing in support, special approaches (e.g., TEACCH) and cours-
es which are limited to specific regions. Same as the general CPD providers
(see Table 7), ASD-specific providers also consist of both public institutions
(e.g. Universities, Teacher training centres) as well as private entities (e.g.,