Page 121 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Digitalizacija vzgoje in izobraževanja – priložnosti in pasti. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2023. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 46
P. 121
enhancing knowledge and skills in autism spectrum disorders ...

school teachers who hold a Bachelor's degree must participate in job-spe-
cific training during their first year of work. In Slovenia, the decision to
choose a CPD program is generally left to the individual preschool teach-
er. In Sweden, it is the employer's responsibility to provide CPD, and em-
ployees are required to attend employer-approved courses. In Italy, teachers
can choose courses freely as long as they are offered by accredited bodies.

The minimum number of hours of CPD per year required for pre-
school teachers varies significantly between countries. Slovenia requires 40
hours (5 days) per year, while Sweden does not have any legal requirements.
Spain has specific CPD during the first year, followed by a minimum of 100
hours every six years (approx. 17 hours per year). In Cyprus, educators must
undergo CPD with a minimum of 10 hours per year (in systems with old-
er children). Italy has different requirements for different systems: 20 hours
for educators and 40 hours for pedagogical coordinators in the 0-3 and 0-6
integrated systems, and 50 hours for each permanent preschool teacher in
the 3-6 system.

Public institutions such as universities and institutes are the prima-
ry providers of CPD in all countries, with private training providers be-
ing less common. There are several different types of professional devel-
opment opportunities available to preschool teachers in the participating
countries; ranging from training programs, conferences, and workshops
to online courses, collegial learning, educational experimentation, etc. (see
more in Table 7). The content, duration, and methods of CPD vary.

Table 7: The main characteristic of CPD for ECEC staff in the selected countries

Country Slovenia Sweden Spain Cyprus Italy
Status Mandatory* Professional duty Optional (Ne- Mandato-
cessary for ry (3-6 ye- Mandatory (3-6
Minimum 40 hours per The number of promotion) ** ars) years)
number of year/120 hours in hours varies de-
hours per three years pending on the Specific CPD 10 hours 20 hours for
course the tea- during the per year Educators and
year cher decides to 1st year di- 40 hours for Pe-
take rectly in the dagogical Co-
workplace + ordinators (0-3
divided over system and the
6 years with 0-6 integrated)
a minimum 50 hours for
of 100 hours each permanent
every six ye- preschool tea-
ars. cher

   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125   126