Page 32 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 32
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
Lexico. Definition of post-truth in English.
definition/post-truth (29. 11. 2019).
Macfarlane, Bruce. “The disengaged academic: The retreat from citizenship.”
Higher Education Quarterly 59(4), 296–312, 2005.
Platon. Država. Prev. Jože Košar. Ljubljana: Mihelač, 1995.
Powell, Alvin. (2007). “How Sputnik changed U.S. education.” Harvard Ga-
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Reische, Diane L. Citizenship: Goal of Education. Arlington: American Associ-
ation of School Administrators, 1987.
Rosovsky, Henry. “No Ivory Tower: University and Society in the Twenty-First
Century”. V: Werner Z. Hirsch, Luc E. Weber (ur.), As the Walls of Acade-
mia Are Tumbling Down, London: Economica, 13-30, 2002.
Simons, Maarten, Mark Olssen, Michael A. Peters. (ur.) Re-Reading Education
Policies. Rotterdam: Sense Publ, 2009.
Snoj, Marko. Slovenski etimološki slovar. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1997.
Starr, Karen. Education Policy, Neoliberalism, and Leadership Practice. New
York and London: Routledge, 2019.
Teichler, Ulrich. “The future of higher education and the future of higher educati-
on research”. Tertiary Education and Management, 9, 171–185, 2003.
Thatcher, Margaret (1987). Interview for Woman‘s Own. Margaret Thatcher Fo-
undation. (prido-
bljeno 29. november 2019).
Weingart, Peter. “Scientific expertise and political accountability: paradoxes of
sciences and politics.” Science and Public Policy, 26(3), 151-161, 1999.
Lexico. Definition of post-truth in English.
definition/post-truth (29. 11. 2019).
Macfarlane, Bruce. “The disengaged academic: The retreat from citizenship.”
Higher Education Quarterly 59(4), 296–312, 2005.
Platon. Država. Prev. Jože Košar. Ljubljana: Mihelač, 1995.
Powell, Alvin. (2007). “How Sputnik changed U.S. education.” Harvard Ga-
zette, October 11, 2007.
how-sputnik-changed-u-s-education/ (29. 11. 2019).
Reische, Diane L. Citizenship: Goal of Education. Arlington: American Associ-
ation of School Administrators, 1987.
Rosovsky, Henry. “No Ivory Tower: University and Society in the Twenty-First
Century”. V: Werner Z. Hirsch, Luc E. Weber (ur.), As the Walls of Acade-
mia Are Tumbling Down, London: Economica, 13-30, 2002.
Simons, Maarten, Mark Olssen, Michael A. Peters. (ur.) Re-Reading Education
Policies. Rotterdam: Sense Publ, 2009.
Snoj, Marko. Slovenski etimološki slovar. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, 1997.
Starr, Karen. Education Policy, Neoliberalism, and Leadership Practice. New
York and London: Routledge, 2019.
Teichler, Ulrich. “The future of higher education and the future of higher educati-
on research”. Tertiary Education and Management, 9, 171–185, 2003.
Thatcher, Margaret (1987). Interview for Woman‘s Own. Margaret Thatcher Fo-
undation. (prido-
bljeno 29. november 2019).
Weingart, Peter. “Scientific expertise and political accountability: paradoxes of
sciences and politics.” Science and Public Policy, 26(3), 151-161, 1999.