Page 265 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 265
o avtorjih

ličnih deležnikov do prvega tujega jezika, zato je s prispevki, tako znan-
stvenimi kot strokovnimi, sodeloval na številnih mednarodnih znanstve-
nih konferencah in sestankih, tako v Sloveniji kot v tujini. Zanimajo ga tudi
usvajanje tujih jezikov in avtomatsko prevajanje.
Tilen Smaja has obtained his BLit at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty
of Arts, where he graduated in German and Enlish language and literatu-
re. He currently teaches English at the Italian Elementary School at Koper-
-Capodistria and German at the Italian Grammar School (High School)
at Piran. After scuccessfuly graduating from the Faculty of Arts he obta-
ined another degree, the Postgraduate degree in Management in Educati-
on from the Faculty of Management, University of Primorsko, Koper. He
enrolled in a PhD programme Education Sciences at the same University,
Faculty of Education, back in 2012. His research interests are attitudes of
various stakeholders towards the learning and teaching of foreign langua-
ges. He has so far presented his research in the field of attitudes at many in-
ternational as well as national scientific conferences. Other than the previ-
ously mentioned attitudes toward foreign languages his interests are also
second language acquisition and automatic translation.

Nikolett Takács je doktorska študentka na University of Szeged, Doctoral
School of Education. Raziskovalno se ukvarja z umeščanjem vseživljenjske-
ga učenja v zgodnje otroštvo. Trenutno je zaposlena na fakulteti za osnov-
nošolsko izobraževanje in predšolsko vzgojo na Eötvös Loránd University.
Raziskuje področja izobraževanja v zgodnjem otroštvu, vseživljenjsko uče-
nje in izobraževanje učiteljev ter učiteljic.
Nikolett Takács is PhD student at the University of Szeged, Doctoral School
of Education. Her research topic is basing lifelong-learning in early child-
hood. She currently works at the Faculty of Primary and Pre-school Educa-
tion, Eötvös Loránd University. She does research in the fields of early-chil-
dhood education, lifelong-learning and teacher education.

Dr. Marina Tavčar Krajnc je docentka na Oddelku za sociologijo na Filozof-
ski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru, članica Centra za raziskovanje postsoci-
alističnih družb (CePSS) in prorektorica za študijsko dejavnost na Univerzi
v Mariboru. Ukvarja se z raziskovanjem na področjih sociologije spola, so-
ciologije mladine in didaktike sociologije.
Dr. Marina Tavčar Krajnc is an Assistant Professor at the Department of
Sociology, University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Slovenia, a researcher at

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