Page 267 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. ▪︎ Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2019. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 37
P. 267
o avtorjih
the author of numerous articles and has published several books and trans-
lations, including on Plato, argumentation, journalism, ethics and politics.
Izr. prof. dr. Saša Zagorc je izredni profesor na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v
Ljubljani, kjer med drugim predava evropsko ustavno pravo in pravo člove-
kovih pravic. Vrsto let je bil mentor študentskih ekip na več mednarodnih
moot court tekmovanjih.
Dr. Saša Zagorc is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University
of Ljubljana. He lectures on European constitutional law and human rights
law. He was a supervisor at international moot court competitions for stu-
dent teams for many years.
Dr. Janja Žmavc je kot višja znanstvena sodelavka zaposlena na Pedago-
škem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Področja njenega raziskovanja so: zgodovina re-
torike, retorična teorija in praksa, retorična sredstva prepričevanja (ethos,
pathos, logos), argumentacija, teorija argumentacije, jezikovna pragmatika,
didaktika klasičnih jezikov ter didaktika retorike. Je avtorica in soavtori-
ca treh monografij in več člankov s področja retorike, argumentacije in je-
zikovne pragmatike ter soavtorica edinega slovenskega učbenika za pouk
retorike v osnovni šoli pri nas. Kot predavateljica retorike in argumentaci-
je vrsto let sodeluje s slovenskimi univerzami ter na seminarjih Retorika za
učitelje retorike, ki so namenjeni učiteljem obveznega izbirnega predmeta
Janja Žmavc works as a senior research associate at the Educational Re-
search Institute in Ljubljana. Fields of her research are: history of classi-
cal rhetoric, rhetorical theory and practice, rhetorical means of persuasion
(ethos, pathos, logos), argumentation, theory of argumentation, linguistic
pragmatics, didactics of classical languages and didactics of rhetoric. She
is an author and a co-author of three monographs and several papers from
the field of rhetoric, argumentation and pragmatics and a co-author of the
only Slovenian textbook for rhetoric lessons in the primary school. She has
years of experience in lecturing rhetoric and argumentation at Slovenian
universities as well as at the In-service teacher education for teachers of
the author of numerous articles and has published several books and trans-
lations, including on Plato, argumentation, journalism, ethics and politics.
Izr. prof. dr. Saša Zagorc je izredni profesor na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v
Ljubljani, kjer med drugim predava evropsko ustavno pravo in pravo člove-
kovih pravic. Vrsto let je bil mentor študentskih ekip na več mednarodnih
moot court tekmovanjih.
Dr. Saša Zagorc is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University
of Ljubljana. He lectures on European constitutional law and human rights
law. He was a supervisor at international moot court competitions for stu-
dent teams for many years.
Dr. Janja Žmavc je kot višja znanstvena sodelavka zaposlena na Pedago-
škem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Področja njenega raziskovanja so: zgodovina re-
torike, retorična teorija in praksa, retorična sredstva prepričevanja (ethos,
pathos, logos), argumentacija, teorija argumentacije, jezikovna pragmatika,
didaktika klasičnih jezikov ter didaktika retorike. Je avtorica in soavtori-
ca treh monografij in več člankov s področja retorike, argumentacije in je-
zikovne pragmatike ter soavtorica edinega slovenskega učbenika za pouk
retorike v osnovni šoli pri nas. Kot predavateljica retorike in argumentaci-
je vrsto let sodeluje s slovenskimi univerzami ter na seminarjih Retorika za
učitelje retorike, ki so namenjeni učiteljem obveznega izbirnega predmeta
Janja Žmavc works as a senior research associate at the Educational Re-
search Institute in Ljubljana. Fields of her research are: history of classi-
cal rhetoric, rhetorical theory and practice, rhetorical means of persuasion
(ethos, pathos, logos), argumentation, theory of argumentation, linguistic
pragmatics, didactics of classical languages and didactics of rhetoric. She
is an author and a co-author of three monographs and several papers from
the field of rhetoric, argumentation and pragmatics and a co-author of the
only Slovenian textbook for rhetoric lessons in the primary school. She has
years of experience in lecturing rhetoric and argumentation at Slovenian
universities as well as at the In-service teacher education for teachers of