Page 168 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
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tasking paradigm. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child
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A., ... & Rapoport, J. L. (1999). Brain development during childhood
and adolescence: A longitudinal MRI study. Nature Neuroscience, 2(10),
Gill, D. J. (2005). Principles and practice of behavioral neurology and neu-
ropsychology. Neurology, 64(4), 769–769.
Gogtay, N., Giedd, J. N., Lusk, L., Hayashi, K. M., Greenstein, D., Vaituzis,
A. C., ... & Rapoport, J. L. (2004). Dynamic mapping of human cortical
development during childhood through early adulthood. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(21),
Goswami, U. (2006). Neuroscience and education: From research to prac-
tice? Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7(5), 406–413.
Ivanovic, D. M., Leiva, B. P., Pérez, H. T., Olivares, M. G., Dı́az, N. S., Urrutia,
M. S. C., ... & Larraın, C. G. (2004). Head size and intelligence, learning,
nutritional status and brain development: Head, IQ, learning, nutrition
and brain. Neuropsychologia, 42(8), 1118–1131.
Jensen, F. E. & Nutt, A. E. (2014). The teenage brain. A neuroscientist’s survival
guide to raising adolescents and young adults. Harper Collins Publishers.
Kandel, E. R., & Squire, L. R. (2000). Neuroscience: Breaking down scientif-
ic barriers to the study of brain and mind. Science, 290(5494), 1113–1120.
Kaufmann, L., Vogel, S. E., Starke, M., Kremser, C., Schocke, M., & Wood, G.
(2009). Developmental dyscalculia: Compensatory mechanisms in left in-
traparietal regions in response to nonsymbolic magnitudes. Behavioral
and Brain Functions, 5(1), 35.
Lan, W., & Lanthier, R. (2003). Changes in students’ academic performance
and perceptions of school and self before dropping out of schools. Journal
of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 8(3), 309–332.
Luna, B., Thulborn, K. R., Munoz, D. P., Merriam, E. P., Garver, K. E., Minshew,
N. J., ... & Sweeney, J. A. (2001). Maturation of widely distributed brain
function subserves cognitive development. Neuroimage, 13(5), 786–793.
Luna, B. (2009). Developmental changes in cognitive control through adoles-
cence. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 37, 233–278.
Mackinlay, R., Charman, T., & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2003, April). Remembering
to remember: A developmental study of prospective memory in a multi-
tasking paradigm. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child
Development, Biennial Meeting, Tampa, Florida (Vol. 24).