Page 163 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 163
neuroscientific findings concerning education ...
and unstable links (Edelman, 2006). A further understanding of how in-
formation is ‘translated’ by the sense organs, turned into perception and
later stored in long-term memory might assist teachers when preparing in-
struction strategies to improve students’ learning success. Neuro-imaging
pinpoints areas of the brain involved in the visual-spatial processing func-
tions that are active during mathematics and science problem-solving.
This knowledge suggests that visual-spatial skills should be integrated into
mathematics education as a means to develop more efficient methods for
teaching mathematics (Dehaene, 1997; Simon, 2006; O´Boyle et al., 2005).
This means the teacher can support the learning of maths and science by
including activities that encompass visual-spatial skills (such as following
directions on a map in space, executing dance moves etc.) in mathemat-
ics and science instruction. In addition, future studies in neuro-genetics
and neuro-imaging could help understand if the visual and phonological
processing occurring in certain areas of the brain are the roots of dyslex-
ia and other learning problems (Fisher & Francks, 2006; Plomin, Kovas, &
Haworth, 2007).
What is more, neuroscience provides scientific clues about whether
some educational approaches might be more effective than others. For ex-
ample, different teaching strategies are available to help children with dys-
lexia. Typical public school and special education interventions often sta-
bilise the degree of reading failure rather than remediate (normalise) the
reading-skill level (Torgesen, 2006). Using a neuroscientific approach, re-
searchers can identify changes in the brain that may determine the effec-
tiveness of teaching strategies to reduce dyslexia problems. In fact, func-
tional neuroimaging studies show the brain plasticity associated with
effective intervention for dyslexia (e.g. Temple et al., 2003; Shaywitz et al.,
2004; Aylward et al., 2003; Eden et al., 2004). Studies reveal the most effi-
cient strategy for dyslexia intervention is special intensive (for instance, 100
min. per day for 8 weeks) instruction provided in small groups (1 or 2 stu-
dents per teacher) and including explicit and systematic instruction in pho-
nological awareness and decoding strategies.
Having said this, there is great potential to harness neuroscience to
help design programmes to train neurocognitive functions, such as work-
ing memory, that are expected to have effects on overall brain function.
Neuroscientific research may be able to enrich our understanding of how
academic skills are generally acquired. Further, modern brain-imaging
methods hold considerable potential to serve as diagnostic tools as well
and unstable links (Edelman, 2006). A further understanding of how in-
formation is ‘translated’ by the sense organs, turned into perception and
later stored in long-term memory might assist teachers when preparing in-
struction strategies to improve students’ learning success. Neuro-imaging
pinpoints areas of the brain involved in the visual-spatial processing func-
tions that are active during mathematics and science problem-solving.
This knowledge suggests that visual-spatial skills should be integrated into
mathematics education as a means to develop more efficient methods for
teaching mathematics (Dehaene, 1997; Simon, 2006; O´Boyle et al., 2005).
This means the teacher can support the learning of maths and science by
including activities that encompass visual-spatial skills (such as following
directions on a map in space, executing dance moves etc.) in mathemat-
ics and science instruction. In addition, future studies in neuro-genetics
and neuro-imaging could help understand if the visual and phonological
processing occurring in certain areas of the brain are the roots of dyslex-
ia and other learning problems (Fisher & Francks, 2006; Plomin, Kovas, &
Haworth, 2007).
What is more, neuroscience provides scientific clues about whether
some educational approaches might be more effective than others. For ex-
ample, different teaching strategies are available to help children with dys-
lexia. Typical public school and special education interventions often sta-
bilise the degree of reading failure rather than remediate (normalise) the
reading-skill level (Torgesen, 2006). Using a neuroscientific approach, re-
searchers can identify changes in the brain that may determine the effec-
tiveness of teaching strategies to reduce dyslexia problems. In fact, func-
tional neuroimaging studies show the brain plasticity associated with
effective intervention for dyslexia (e.g. Temple et al., 2003; Shaywitz et al.,
2004; Aylward et al., 2003; Eden et al., 2004). Studies reveal the most effi-
cient strategy for dyslexia intervention is special intensive (for instance, 100
min. per day for 8 weeks) instruction provided in small groups (1 or 2 stu-
dents per teacher) and including explicit and systematic instruction in pho-
nological awareness and decoding strategies.
Having said this, there is great potential to harness neuroscience to
help design programmes to train neurocognitive functions, such as work-
ing memory, that are expected to have effects on overall brain function.
Neuroscientific research may be able to enrich our understanding of how
academic skills are generally acquired. Further, modern brain-imaging
methods hold considerable potential to serve as diagnostic tools as well