Page 123 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Cooperation Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
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team cooperation in addressing esl ....
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multi-disciplinary team and general nursing practice. Fachenglisch für
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Ivančič, A., Mohorčič Špolar, V. A., & Radovan, M. (2010). The case of Slovenia.
Access of adults to formal and non-formal education – policies and priori-
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Kirschner, B., Dickinson, R., & Blosser, C. (1996). From cooperation to collab-
oration: The changing culture of a school/university partnership. Theory
Into Practice, 35(3), 205–213.
Kozar, O. (2010). Towards better group work: Seeing the difference between co-
operation and collaboration. English Teaching Forum, 210(2), 16–23.
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welfare. London: Routledge.
Leathard, A. (Ed.) (2003). Interprofessional collaboration: From policy to prac-
tice in health and social care. Hove: Routledge.
Liechti, L., Angelucci, V., de Chambrier, A., Glasson Cicognani, M., Chapuis,
J., & Tièche Christinat, C. (2014). Alliances éducatives et modes d’ac-
tion : pratiques enseignantes selon le profil d’élèves a risque de décro-
chage [Educational alliances and modes of action: Teaching practices
according to the type of student at risk of ESL]. Paper presented at 2nd
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16, Luxembourg.
Maillard, D. Merlin, F., Rouaud, P., & Olaria, M. (2016). How do educa-
tion professionals cooperate to tackle early school leaving. Training &
Employment, 122, 1–4.
Markle, R. S., Splett, J. W., Maras, M. A., & Weston, K. J. (2014). Effective school
teams: Benefits, barriers, and best practices. In M. D. Weist, N. A. Lever,
C. P. Bradshaw, & J. S. Owens (Eds.), Handbook of School Mental Health
(pp. 59–73). New York, NY: Springer.
Mazzocato, P., Hvitfeldt Forsberg, H., & von Thiele Schwarz, U. (2011). Team
behaviors in emergency care: A qualitative study using behavior analysis
of what makes team work. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation
and Emergency Medicine, 19, 1–8.
Moignard, B. (2015). Des dispositifs pour faire vivre les alliances éducatives.
Nouvelle division du travail éducatif ou espaces d’interventions parta-
gés? [Measures to sustain educational alliances: A new branch of edu-
cational work or a shared space of intervention?] July 6–8, Lausanne,
Switzerland. Retrieved from
Huss, N. M., Schiller, S., & Schmidt, M. (2013). Areas of nursing within the
multi-disciplinary team and general nursing practice. Fachenglisch für
Pflege und Pflegewissenschaft, 43–77.
Ivančič, A., Mohorčič Špolar, V. A., & Radovan, M. (2010). The case of Slovenia.
Access of adults to formal and non-formal education – policies and priori-
ties. Ljubljana: Slovenian Institute for Adult Education.
Kirschner, B., Dickinson, R., & Blosser, C. (1996). From cooperation to collab-
oration: The changing culture of a school/university partnership. Theory
Into Practice, 35(3), 205–213.
Kozar, O. (2010). Towards better group work: Seeing the difference between co-
operation and collaboration. English Teaching Forum, 210(2), 16–23.
Leathard, A. (1994) Going interprofessional: Working together for health and
welfare. London: Routledge.
Leathard, A. (Ed.) (2003). Interprofessional collaboration: From policy to prac-
tice in health and social care. Hove: Routledge.
Liechti, L., Angelucci, V., de Chambrier, A., Glasson Cicognani, M., Chapuis,
J., & Tièche Christinat, C. (2014). Alliances éducatives et modes d’ac-
tion : pratiques enseignantes selon le profil d’élèves a risque de décro-
chage [Educational alliances and modes of action: Teaching practices
according to the type of student at risk of ESL]. Paper presented at 2nd
Colloque international du LASALE sur le decrochage scolaire, May 14–
16, Luxembourg.
Maillard, D. Merlin, F., Rouaud, P., & Olaria, M. (2016). How do educa-
tion professionals cooperate to tackle early school leaving. Training &
Employment, 122, 1–4.
Markle, R. S., Splett, J. W., Maras, M. A., & Weston, K. J. (2014). Effective school
teams: Benefits, barriers, and best practices. In M. D. Weist, N. A. Lever,
C. P. Bradshaw, & J. S. Owens (Eds.), Handbook of School Mental Health
(pp. 59–73). New York, NY: Springer.
Mazzocato, P., Hvitfeldt Forsberg, H., & von Thiele Schwarz, U. (2011). Team
behaviors in emergency care: A qualitative study using behavior analysis
of what makes team work. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation
and Emergency Medicine, 19, 1–8.
Moignard, B. (2015). Des dispositifs pour faire vivre les alliances éducatives.
Nouvelle division du travail éducatif ou espaces d’interventions parta-
gés? [Measures to sustain educational alliances: A new branch of edu-
cational work or a shared space of intervention?] July 6–8, Lausanne,
Switzerland. Retrieved from