Page 58 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 58
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives

(2) more emphasis on prevention (ESL modules in initial and in-ser-
vice staff training, educational alliances between schools and ex-
ternal partners to provide adequate support, new teaching prac-
tices and learning methods); and

(3) a »new chance« to become qualified; i.e. return to education or
training (greater modularity and flexibility of the education path).
The strategy further defines specific measures within each key area,

conditions (levers) needed for the success of the strategy and timeline. In
the following section, we present the two measures/actions most related to
the multi-professional collaboration in the focus of the TITA project – the
ESL-prevention groups and the ESL officer.

ESL-Prevention Group – an example of multi-professional
The GPDS (Group de Prévention du Décrochage scholaire – ESL-Prevention
Group) is the prototype of multi-professional collaboration which is in the
focus of the TITA project. It is a collegial internal (within-institution) mul-
ti-category body (MEN, 2015c). The GPDS is a measure/action aimed at
students showing signs of ESL (at collège and lycée), previously known as
GAIN (Groupe d’Aide à l’Insertion – Integration Support Group; MEN,
In the national strategy against ESL (MEN, 2015b) the GPDSs are em-
bedded in the key area of prevention, in the measure of strengthening col-
laboration between teaching and educational staff to provide better support
for young people in an ESL situation; thus the GPDS is focused on with-
in-school collaboration.
The national strategy against ESL allows/aims for the proliferation of
ESL-prevention groups in all secondary schools (MEN, 2015b). It is a group
around the head of an institution bringing participants of the education-
al community together: school management, teaching staff, the CPE, the
guidance counsellor, the social and health worker. They are brought togeth-
er in order to analyse the situation of a youngster and find suitable support
(MEN, 2014a). The GPDS coordinates the identification of the potential ESL
and monitors the implementation of prevention activities (MEN, 2015c).
The ESL-prevention groups should be managed and steered by the head of
the institution/school directors or the ESL coordinator (national education
inspector); however, this role needs to be consolidated in the coming years

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