Page 174 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 174
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives

education systems and their relations to ESL, including ECEC and VET (see
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice/Cedefop, 2014). Features and
measures emerging in other sectors (e.g. the labour market – see Audas &
Willms, 2002; de Witte et al., 2013; Tumio & Taylor, 2013) together with in-
ter-sectorial measures are also very important for tackling ESL and should
not be overlooked. However, in accordance with the design of the TITA
project, the article focuses on features of the education system.

The scientific review was conducted by examining related findings in rel-
evant publications. These were found using computerised searches in the
Arizona State University Library search engine (with 650 databases, includ-
ing, PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier (EBSCOhost), ERIC (Proquest),
JSTOR Arts and Sciences, ProQuest, SAGE Premier, Science Direct) and
also in other online resources (e.g. ResearchGate, institutional or project
webpages). We used the following key words: “early school leaving”, “drop
out” AND “system-level”, “ESL policies”, “policy interventions”, “educa-
tion system” “early childhood education system and care”, “grade reten-
tion”, “VET” etc. In the next step, we examined references cited in the ar-
ticles (i.e., “backward search” procedures). Original scientific articles and
monographs as well as reports by or for the European Commission and the
OECD are considered.

Education-system-related factors
Education systems take many different structural forms which can sup-
port educational achievement or create obstacles to it (EC, 2014b). In 2011,
the EC identified several prevention, intervention and compensation sys-
tem-level policies addressing ESL. Prevention measures are, e.g. good qual-
ity ECEC, prolongation of compulsory education, desegregation policies,
systematic language support, and increasing the permeability or flexibil-
ity of educational pathways. Intervention measures include early warn-
ing systems, enhancing the involvement of parents, networking with ac-
tors outside school, teacher education, student-focused strategies, financial
support. Compensation measures are e.g. second-chance programmes or
recognition of prior learning. In a literature review (EC, 2014b), the follow-
ing education system factors were identified: educational differentiation,
length of compulsory schools, school segregation, investing in education,

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