Page 171 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 171
The Interplay of Factors Contributing to ESL
at the System Level

Maša Vidmar, Tina Rutar Leban and Tina Vršnik Perše

Aspects of the education system that concern the risk of ESL include
the socio-economic segregation of schools, early tracking and grade
retention. In that regard, protective aspects are high quality and ac-
cessible ECEC and VET. Well-managed transitions between educa-
tional levels that reflect a student’s changing needs in order to ensure
the provision of a developmentally appropriate and engaging context
are called for.

A relatively recent body of research identifies which factors at the
system level contribute to or prevent ESL. The better insights into
ESL so far gained show that ESL is a complex issue linked not only to
the individual, the family and the school, but also to national poli-
cies in the educational, social, health and labour sectors. This article
aims to review empirical research regarding ESL system factors with
a focus on the education system, but also the labour market.
Evidence shows that the socio-economic segregation of schools
and early tracking are linked to a greater risk for ESL. Grade re-
tention is another risk factor, although timing (at the primary or
secondary level) and opportunities provided during the retention
year play a role. The transition from the primary to secondary level

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