Page 155 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 155
The Interplay of Factors Contributing to ESL
at the School Level

Maša Vidmar and Tina Rutar Leban

Although ESL is impacted by the composition of a school (e.g. mean
SES) and its structure (e.g. size), school practices, especially the way
curriculum is delivered in practice as well as caring, supportive and
respectful teachers (and other school staff) who believe in students’
ability to succeed, seem particularly important for ensuring (poten-
tial) ESLers remain in school.

In recent decades, a growing body of literature has identified fac-
tors at the school level related to ESL. The aim of this article is to re-
view the empirical research in the field and show a variety of school
factors that may contribute to becoming an ESLer. Research indi-
cates that schools can make a difference in students’ ability to per-
sist in school. The specific characteristics of school composition (e.g.
mean SES, share of students with a minority/migrant background)
and school structure (e.g. size, private/public) were found to impact
ESL, but these effects are likely confounded with other school char-
acteristics, particularly school practices.
With regard to school practices, ESLers (or those at risk) often report
experiencing the curriculum as too complicated, too academic, and
disconnected from real life. Innovative provision of the curriculum

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