Page 298 - Štremfel, Urška, ed., 2016. Student (Under)achievement: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digital Library, Documenta 11.
P. 298
education. She has authored a number of scientific and professional papers
from these fields and co-authored two scientific monographs.

Eva Klemenčič is a Senior Scientific Associate and the Head of the Centre for
Applied Epistemology at the Educational Research Institute. She is the Nation-
al Research Coordinator of two international comparative assessment studies,
i.e. IEA ICILS 2013 (IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study)
and IEA ICCS 2016 (International Civic and Citizenship Education Study) and a
member of the IEA General Assembly. Her scientific-research work focuses on
various different fields such as concepts of knowledge, international compar-
ative assessment studies, policy-making in education, globalisation of educa-
tion and globalisation of knowledge, textbook text analyses, curricular reforms
and civic and citizenship education.

Ana Kozina is a Doctor of Psychological Sciences and Head of the Centre for
Evaluation Studies at the Educational Research Institute. The focus of her re-
search work is on knowledge-related psychological factors (the school climate,
motivation, emotional and social skills etc.) and more specifically the model of
298 correlation between anxiety and aggression, this model in practice and the ap-
plication of the model within wider models of prevention of aggressive behav-
iour with a consequent reduction in the impact of aggression and anxiety on
individuals, the school and the society as a whole.

Tina Rutar Leban has obtained a PhD in Developmental Psychology and is em-
ployed at the Educational Research Institute as a researcher. Her research work
is mainly focused on the field of education during the preschool period with a
particular emphasis on subjective theories of adults about education and chil-
dren’s rights. As a member of the Centre for Evaluation Studies at the Educa-
tional Research Institute she regularly participates in evaluation studies related
to various fields of education. For the last three years she has been the Nation-
al Coordinator of the European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC).

Klaudija Šterman Ivančič works at the Educational Research Institute as a re-
searcher in the field of international comparative assessment studies, in par-
ticular the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). As part of
this project, her special attention is devoted to studying motivational, learning
and social factors in relation to student achievement both in Slovenia and else-
where. Recently a particular focus of her research work has been mainly on is-
sues related to student achievement in the field of reading literacy and the im-
pacts of the quality of interpersonal relationships on adolescents’ educational
achievement and behaviour.

Mojca Štraus is a Scientific Associate at the Educational Research Institute. Her
primary research interests are international and national studies in various
fields of education. She is the National Coordinator and Slovenia’s representa-

student (under)achievement: perspectives, approaches, challenges
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