Page 297 - Štremfel, Urška, ed., 2016. Student (Under)achievement: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digital Library, Documenta 11.
P. 297
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Franc Cankar is a retired Professional Research Councillor and Head of the
Quality and Research Centre at The National Education Institute of the Repub-
lic of Slovenia. The development-research work in which he is involved is as-
sociated with different aspects of the development of the curriculum and put-
ting it into practice. His contributions from the field of education have been
published in Slovenian and international peer-reviewed journals. In particu-
lar, in recent years he has made contributions on the cooperation between the
school and parents and the development of innovation in schools.

Alenka Gril is a Doctor of Psychological Sciences and works at the Educational
Research Institute, Slovenia, as a Senior Scientific Associate. As part of her re-
search work she has been studying the impact of various social contexts on so-
cial behaviour and the socio-cognitive development of adolescents. The focus
of her research so far has been the understanding of social inequality among
youths in connection with the organisational culture of youth centres; adoles-
cents’ free time, voluntary work and social participation; the impacts of learn-
ing interactions on students’ cooperativeness and competitiveness and their
achievement in the final triad of lower secondary school; Slovenian adoles-
cents’ attitude to knowledge in a knowledge society.

Polona Kelava is a Doctor of Educational Sciences and an as Assistant with
Doctorate she was employed at the Educational Research Institute, where she
worked at the Centre for Evaluation Studies. Her main fields of research are
adult education and vocational education and training. She deals with the rec-
ognition of non-formal and informal learning and social inclusion based on
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