Page 149 - Šterman Ivančič, Klaudija, ur. Izhodišča merjenja matematične pismenosti v raziskavi PISA 2012 s primeri nalog. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 7
P. 149
In this publication, we present the framework for measuring mathematical literacy
in PISA 2012, with examples of units that were used in the field trial and main study of
the survey. At the beginning we briefly present the organizational characteristics of rese-
arch at the international and national levels. Further, we present the framework of mea-
suring mathematical literacy, on the basis of which the units are formed. In more detail,
we present three basic dimensions, namely the mathematical content areas (change and re-
lationship, quantity, uncertainty, space and shape) processes (interpret, employ, formula-
te) and contexts (societal, occupational, personal and scientific). In the chapters that fol-
low, we also present some motivational factors of mathematical literacy and the Student
questionnaire, which helps us identify thee. Because the primary objective of this publi-
cation is in showing students how to use their knowledge in concrete, problem-based si-
tuations, there are concrete units at the end, which were published by the OECD. Units
include stimulus, a question and also a coding guide which will help you determine right
and wrong answers.
In this publication, we present the framework for measuring mathematical literacy
in PISA 2012, with examples of units that were used in the field trial and main study of
the survey. At the beginning we briefly present the organizational characteristics of rese-
arch at the international and national levels. Further, we present the framework of mea-
suring mathematical literacy, on the basis of which the units are formed. In more detail,
we present three basic dimensions, namely the mathematical content areas (change and re-
lationship, quantity, uncertainty, space and shape) processes (interpret, employ, formula-
te) and contexts (societal, occupational, personal and scientific). In the chapters that fol-
low, we also present some motivational factors of mathematical literacy and the Student
questionnaire, which helps us identify thee. Because the primary objective of this publi-
cation is in showing students how to use their knowledge in concrete, problem-based si-
tuations, there are concrete units at the end, which were published by the OECD. Units
include stimulus, a question and also a coding guide which will help you determine right
and wrong answers.