Page 181 - Šterman Ivančič, Klaudija, ur. Izhodišča merjenja bralne pismenosti v raziskavi PISA 2012 s primeri nalog. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 6
P. 181
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Campbell, J. R., Voelkl, K.E. in Donahue, P.L. (1997). NAEP 1996 trends in academic
progress. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Artelt, C., Schiefele, U. in Schneider, W. (2001). Predictors of reading literacy. European
Journal of Psychology of Education, 16, 363–384.
Assor, A., Kaplan, H. in Roth, G. (2002). Choice is good, but relevance is excellent: Au-
tonomy-enhancing and suppressing teacher behaviours predicting students’ engage-
ment in schoolwork. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 72, 261–278.
Baker, L. in Brown, A. L. (1984). Metacognitive skills and reading. V P. D. Pearson, M.
L. Kamil, R. Barr in P. B. Mosenthal (ur.), Handbook of Reading Research (str. 353–
394). New York: Longman.
Binkley, M. in Linnakylä, P. (1997). Teaching reading in the United States and Finland.
V M. Binkley, K. Rust in T. Williams (ur.), Reading literacy in an international per-
spective. Washington DC.: US Department of Education.
Borkowski, J. G. in Turner, L. A. (1990). Transsituational characteristics of metacogni-
tion. V W. Schneider in F. E. Weinert (ur.), Interactions among aptitudes, strategies,
and knowledge in cognitive performance (str. 159–176). New York: Springer.
Brown, A. L., Bransford, J. D., Ferrara, R. A. in Campione, J. C. (ur.). (1983). Learning,
remembering, and understanding (Vol. III). New York: Wiley.
Brown, A. L., Palincsar, A. S. in Armbruster, B. B. (2004). Instructing comprehension-
-Fostering activities in interactive learning situations. V R. B. Ruddell in N. J. Unrau
(ur.), Theoretical models and processes of reading (5. izd., str. 780–809). Newark: In-
ternational Reading Association.
Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press
Campbell, J. R., Voelkl, K.E. in Donahue, P.L. (1997). NAEP 1996 trends in academic
progress. Washington DC: U.S. Department of Education.