Page 288 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 288
Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to?

braževanja ter usposabljanja učiteljev poklicnih šol. Je aktivna v naci-
onalnih in mednarodnih projektih in strokovnih skupinah na podro-
čju razvoja in implementacije kurikula. Vodila in sodelovala je v različ-
nih projektih na področju priznavanja neformalnega in priložnostne-
ga znanja. Je tudi avtorica in soavtorica več strokovnih gradiv z ome-
njenega področja.

Helena Žnidarič works at the National Institute for Vocational Education
and Training on the development of curricula and their implementation. She coor-
dinates expert groups for the development of vocational educational programmes,
advises schools and social partners on the implementation of system solutions in
practice in various professional fields and is responsible for professional education
and training of teachers. She is active in national and international projects and ex-
pert groups in the development and implementation of curricula. She has been the
project manager and participant in various projects in the field of recognition of
non-formal and informal learning and is also the author and co-author of several
materials in this field.

Barbara Kunčič Krapež

Barbara Kunčič Krapež na Centru Republike Slovenije za poklicno
izobraževanje dela na področju razvoja sistema nacionalnih poklicnih
kvalifikacij, koordinira delo strokovnih skupin za razvoj poklicnih stan-
dardov ter katalogov standardov strokovnih znanj in spretnosti. Je odgo-
vorna za vzpostavljanje in uporabo osebne zbirne mape v sistemu NPK
in predava v programu usposabljanja za svetovalce in člane komisije v
sistemu NPK. Aktivna je v nacionalnih in mednarodnih projektih in
strokovnih skupinah na področju priznavanja neformalnega in prilož­
nostnega učenja., poleg tega pa je avtorica in soavtorica člankov in knjig
z omenjenih področij.

Barbara Kunčič Krapež works at the National Institute for Vocational Edu-
cation and Training on the implementation of the system of National Profession-
al Qualifications, coordinates expert groups for the development of occupation-
al standards and catalogues for the assessment of National Professional Qualifica-
tions. She is responsible for the implementation of a personal portfolio method in
the system of National Professional Qualifications and is a trainer for advisors and
assessors in the system of National Professional Qualifications. She is active in na-
tional and international projects and expert groups in the field of recognition of
non-formal and informal learning. She is also the author and co-author of several
articles and books from these fields.
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