Page 284 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 284
Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to?

nalnih in mednarodnih, in sicer: SIMS-Second International Mathe-
matics and Science Study; Computers in Education; Crisis, Compromi-
se, Collapse; Mednarodno primerjalno raziskovanje politične socializa-
cije; Antropološko raziskovanje politične kulture in šole; Temeljni de-
javniki učenja in motivacije za učenje v šoli itd. Kot raziskovalec je sode-
loval v znanstveno-raziskovalnem programu Pedagoškega inštituta Edu-
kacijske raziskave. Od leta 2001 do 2005 je kot raziskovalec sodeloval
v temeljnem projektu Sodobni pristopi k motivaciji in tekmovalnosti v
modelih samopodobe: medkulturna študija. Bil je član Slovenskega so-
ciološkega društva, Društva antropologov Slovenije, Evropskega antro-
pološkega združenja in EASA ter član uredniškega odbora znanstvene
revije Šolsko polje.

Janez Kolenc Gregorič, PhD in sociology, a research associate at the Educa-
tional Research Institute, was born in Novo mesto on 14 March 1955. He was the
initial head of the basic project Anthropological Aspects of Non-Formal Acqui-
sition of Knowledge, which produced a number of results, one of them being the
present proceedings. He was unfortunately unable to complete his work. He died
on 11 May 2012.

The areas of work he was active in included: political culture in internation­ al
and intercultural comparisons, methodology in social sciences, sociology of edu-
cation, social and cultural anthropology. He participated in many scientific meet-
ings, conferences and congresses from the field of education in Slovenia, Germa-
ny, Portugal, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria etc. He published a large number
of scientific and professional articles in national, regional and international peri-
odical publications from the fields of social sciences, in particular education, and
also published several chapters in proceedings from the same area. In 1993, he pub-
lished the scientific monograph “Political Culture of Slovenes”, in 1994 the profes-
sional monograph “Computers in Education” and in 2002 the scientific monograph
“The Transition of Political Culture to Democracy “. Together with his fellows he
published four other scientific monographs: “The Self-Concept between Motiva-
tion and Competitiveness” in 2004, “Social Integration of Children with Special
Needs” in 2006, »The Dual System of Vocational Education« in 2007 and »Quali-
ty in Vocation­ al Education and Training« in 2008.

As a researcher at the Educational Research Institute he participated in var-
ious scientific research projects, both basic and applied ones, on the national and
international levels: SIMS-Second International Mathematics and Science Study;
Computers in Education; Crisis, Compromise, Collapse; International Compara-
tive Research of Political Socialization; Anthropological Research of Political Cul-
ture and School; Basic Factors of Learning and of Motivation for Learning in the
School etc. As a researcher he took part in the scientific research programme of
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