Page 287 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
P. 287
o avtorjih 287

Drago B. Rotar, PhD in social sciences, retired full professor. He worked at the
University of Ljubljana (two years as the head of the Dpt. of Sociology at the Fac-
ulty of Arts) and at the University of Littoral in Koper. He was also the initiator
and organizer of Studia Humanitatis, a collection of translations of basic works in
the field of human and social sciences. Furthermore, he was the initiator and for 10
years Dean of the postgraduate school for humanities and social sciences Institu-
tum Studiorum Humanitatis. Fields of work: historical sociology of culture and
visual arts, historical anthropology. At present he works as an invited researcher at
the IAS in Paris.

Petra Javrh

Dr. Petra Javrh deluje kot znanstvena sodelavka na Pedagoškem in-
štitutu in Andragoškem centru Slovenije. Več kot desetletje raziskuje
področja neformalnega učenja, razvoja kariere, še posebej pa profesio-
nalni razvoj učiteljev in izobraževalcev odraslih ter področje pismenosti
ranljivih skupin odraslih. Je avtorica in soavtorica več znanstvenih mo-
nografij, didaktičnih izobraževalnih gradiv za odrasle ter izobraževalne-
ga programa Razvoj učiteljeve poklicne poti. V založbi Pedagoškega in-
štituta je izdala znanstveno monografijo Spremljanje in načrtovanje raz­
voja kariere učiteljev po S-modelu (2008) in v soavtorstvu še pripadajoči
priročnik za učitelje.

Petra Javrh, PhD, is employed at the Educational Research Institute and the
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education as a research fellow. For more than a dec-
ade she has researched non-formal education, the development of a career, in par-
ticular professional development of teachers and adult educators. Another topic
of her research is literacy of vulnerable groups of adults. She is the author or co-au-
thor of various scientific publications, as well as didactic educational materials for
adults, and she has also developed the educational programme The Development
of a Teacher’s Career Path. Her book Monitoring and Planning of the Develop-
ment of a Teacher’s Career According to S-Model (2008) and the accompanying
handbook for teachers, which she co-authored, have been published by the publish-
ing house of the Educational Research Institute.

Helena Žnidarič

Helena Žnidarič dela na Centru Republike Slovenije za poklic-
no izobraževanje na področju razvoja kurikula in implementacije sis-
temskih rešitev. Koordinira delo strokovnih skupin za pripravo izobra-
ževalnih programov poklicnega in strokovnega izobraževanja, svetu-
je šolam in socialnim partnerjem pri implementaciji sistemskih rešitev
v prakso na različnih strokovnih področjih in skrbi za strokovna izo-
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