Page 285 - Polona Kelava, Neformalno učenje? Kaj je to? Dissertationes 24, Digitalna knjižnica, Pedagoški inštitut 2013
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the Educational Research Institute Educational Research. In the period between
2001 and 2005, he also participated in the basic project Contemporary Approach-
es to Motivation and Competition in Self-Concept Models: Cross-Cultural Study.
He was a member of the Slovene Sociological Association, the Slovene Anthropo-
logical Society, the European Anthropological Association and EASA, as well as
member of the editorial board of the scientific journal School Field / Šolsko polje.

Taja Kramberger

Dr. Taja Kramberger, docentka in znanstvena raziskovalka, zaposle-
na na projektu Antropološki vidiki neformalnega pridobivanja znanja
(2011–2014) na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani. Objavila je 3 znan-
stvene monografije, vrsto znanstvenih člankov in drugih besedil (ese-
jev, spremnih besed, prevodov temeljnih člankov). Med 2001 in 2011 je
bila odgovorna urednica antropološke revije Monitor ZSA. Je prejemni-
ca več štipendij v Parizu in Budimpešti. Med njena raziskovalna podro-
čja sodijo izbrane teme iz zgodovine in zgodovinske antropologije 18.–
20. stoletja.

Taja Kramberger, PhD, teaching assistant and researcher, employed on the
project Anthropological Aspects of Non-Formal Acquisition of Knowledge at
the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana. She has published 3 monographs,
several articles and other texts (essays, introductions, translations of fundamental
texts). Between 2001 and 2011 she was Editor-in-Chief of the anthropological jour-
nal Monitor ZSA. She has been a recipient of many fellowships in Paris and Buda-
pest. Her research interests include selected themes from history and historical an-
thropology in the period from the 18th to 20th century.

Tadej Vidmar

Dr. Tadej Vidmar, izredni profesor za področje zgodovine peda-
gogike in šolstva ter primerjalno pedagogiko, zaposlen na Oddelku za
pedagogiko in andragogiko Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.

Poklicno in znanstveno se ukvarja z zgodovino vzgoje in
izobraževanja ter s primerjavami na področju šolstva ter vzgoje in
izobraževanja. S teh področij je objavil več znanstvenih in strokovnih
bibliografskih enot.

Tadej Vidmar, PhD, associate professor of r history of education and compar-
ative pedagogy, works at the Department of Educational Sciences of the Faculty of
Arts, University of Ljubljana.

Professionally and scientifically he is engaged in the history of education and
in comparisons in the field of education and schooling; he has published many sci-
entific and professional bibliographic units.
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