Page 51 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 51
Study in the Virtual Class: Doings of Feminist
Pedagogy and the Covid-19 Crisis

Renata Šribar, Centre FemA – Institute of Transformation Studies and Agency, Ljubljana,


Many of us reflecting on our lecturing practices wish to decon-
struct the ex-cathedra teaching, its symbolic dimensions and
multilayered effect on our students. The presented inquiry re-
flects on contemporary and pandemic-related feminist pedagogy along
with an explication of the author’s own teaching practice. It is this applied
side of my reflection that allows for switching over to the narrative “I”.

The auto-ethnographic references I am using were obtained during
precarious work engagement in tertiary-level education. In the study years
2019/20 and 2020/21 we, meaning my students and myself, have been and
still are co-construing the studying process at the Faculty of Education at
the University of Ljubljana in the subjects Gender specific socialisation,
and Ethics and morals in science, and also at the Faculty of Social Work
in the subject Gender and Violence in the Erasmus Programme.

After 5 years of teaching at Slovenia’s public universities, I was cer-
tain that some intuitive pedagogic approaches are worth practising, and
that this moment is the psychic milestone, indicating the personal need
to enhance the two-way transfer of knowledge with new pedagogical in-
puts. The switch to digitalised classes, which was initially unwanted, has
induced a step-by-step transition to the more structured integration of
feminist pedagogy. Its elaboration under the special academic conditions
of the anti-Covid-19 regimes has not only been my task but, as I was lat-
er informed, the effort of many feminist lecturers. Indicators of such en-
deavours are the surprisingly numerous blogs and expert Internet sources 49
Original scientific article
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