Page 54 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 54
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 5–6

- The nature of experiences, which connect the known and the lived.
By such implicit meaning of experiences, the dialectics of interpret-
ing realities and experiencing them is revealed.

- The power relations and the three-level approach to research issues
(systemic, structural, individual). All socio-cultural, political and
psycho-social realities may be grasped by a consideration of different
levels on which meanings, institutions and individual life options
are construed. During lectures, I give examples of the patriarchal so-
cieties, their structures, and individual interiorisation and incorpo-
ration of gendered myths, social proscriptions, and cultural norms.

- The intersectional approach is introduced to enhance understand-
ing and studying social inequalities. The complex discrimination
which I present using mundane cases brings the normalised dis-
criminating practices closer to the students, our own discrimina-
tory practices, too. Besides, I promote the intersectional analysis as
a self-positioning tool for the students while doing seminar or ex-
am-related research.

- The deconstruction of dichotomies in mainstream thinking has a
mind-opening effect in students. The regularly presented and an-
alysed categorical pairs I refer to besides knowledge/ignorance are:
nature/culture, global/local, private/public, mind/emotions, sex/
gender, representation (in the meaning of mimicking a reality)/
What seemed to be intuitive intervention in the curriculum and the

phalogocentric pedagogic canon must be considered from the perspective
of situated knowledges. The spontaneity in lecturing I have been practis-
ing has been embedded in the pre-existing feminist position and adopt-
ed knowledges. The feminism I have been subjectivated into was formed
by individually selected readings, conveying the theses and arguments of
feminist theories, and critical sociological and philosophical studies. The
feminist scholarship was thematically and epistemologically accompanied
by performing active citizenship. E.g. when studying and deconstructing
pornography and the pornographisation of culture I was involved in civ-
il society’s endeavours to co-regulate porn. Consequentially, my self-posi-
tioning in academia and research has developed transformative features,
I have learned to study, inquire, and teach with the defined and publicly
articulated aims to transform the realities in the class and in my profes-
sional vicinity.

According to their feedback, feminist knowledge and interpreta-
tions of my own experiences have been stimulating the students’ thinking.

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