Page 58 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 58
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 5–6

search-based evidence, that large numbers of young people are committed
to unconventional and civic action in their respective countries:

Whereas, in the past, issues of concern might have mobilized them into
voting for particular candidates or writing to their elected representa-
tives, these same issues today might be tackled instead through consum-
er activism, protests and demonstrations, activity on social media, char-
itable fundraising or voluntary work in the community (Barrett, 2018).

Citizenship education in schools must as such necessarily include and
deliver to pupils in an appealing manner not only the knowledge about
standard and traditional participation possibilities but also new compel-
ling and less conventional participatory attitudes and tools. This is impor-
tant because otherwise the approaches to the curriculum that avoid demo-
cratic practices are “likely to negate its ability to produce active citizens and
are only likely to exacerbate the apathetic zeitgeist” (Watts, 2006, p. 95).

Table 3. Questions on unconventional means of political participation.

Tested learning Assignment/ Percentage of pupils
objective as defined question type with correct answer

by the syllabus (n=3849)
Q 7 – What are politi- Pupils learn about citi- A record of the short
cal demonstrations? zens’ political rights. answer 70
Q8 – A group of citi-
zens signs a request to Pupils learn about citi- Multiple Choice
close a plant that pol- zens’ political rights.
lutes the environment
of a particular town.
Circle the letter in
front of a form of citi-
zen action performed
by a group of citizens.
Select the correct an-
swer by encircling the
letter in front of it

So in the third cluster, just one task from the exam was included but
with two distinct questions. The first question (Q7) included in the anal-
ysis under this cluster asked pupils about the meaning of the term politi-
cal demonstration. The answers that were considered as correct had to be
logically related to the basic definition of demonstration available in the
official Slovenian dictionary (mass expression of mood, usually in protest,
but also of support. The second question (Q8) in this cluster described
a concrete non-conventional participatory action of a group of citizens:
the signing of a request to close a plant that pollutes the environment of a

   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63