Page 56 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 56
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 5–6

local government issues. Here, some correct answers were possible, such
as participation in mayoral / local elections, participating in municipal
council elections, participation in the assembly of citizens, participation
in a local referendum, etc. The answer was marked as correct only if a pu-
pil included both a concrete available participative local mechanism or
process and activity of an individual. Thus, for example, an answer that
stated only “local referendum” did not suffice, pupils needed to include
(give a description of) an activity by an individual in the answer.

Table 2. Questions on political participation on national and local level
within Slovenian political system.

Q 3 – How did Slove- Tested learning Assignment/ Percentage of pupils
nian voters decide in objective as defined question type with correct answer
1990 on the independ- Multiple Choice
ence of the Republic by the syllabus Multiple Choice (n=3849)
of Slovenia? Select the Pupils gain basic A record of the short 63
correct answer by en- knowledge about the answer 74
circling the letter in creation of the Repub- A record of the short
front of it. lic of Slovenia. answer 37
Q 4 – How can citi- Pupils learn the differ-
zens of the Republic of ence between uniting 34
Slovenia form a politi- citizens based on com-
cal party? mon interests (socie-
Q 5 – Political par- ties, associations, etc.)
ty participated in the and common politi-
elections to the Na- cal goals.
tional Assembly in
the Republic of Slo- Pupils learn about the
venia and won 3.8% of procedures by which
the vote. Explain why elected officials are
or not a party will be elected.
represented in the Na-
tional Assembly in the Pupils learn the differ-
coming term? ence between uniting
Q6 – Write down one citizens based on com-
option, how can indi- mon interests (socie-
viduals exercise their ties, associations, etc.)
right to participate in and common politi-
local authority issues? cal goals.

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