Page 165 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 165

Kosta Bovan
Kosta Bovan is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Science,
University of Zagreb. He holds an MA in psychology, and a PhD in polit-
ical science. His main research topics are political behavior, evolutionary
political psychology and cultural trauma. He published several articles
on these topics, as well as edited a book. He participated in international
research groups, projects and COST actions.
Kosta Bovan je docent na Fakulteti za politične vede Univerze v Zagrebu.
Ima magisterij iz psihologije in doktorat iz političnih znanosti. Njegove
glavne raziskovalne teme so politično vedenje, evolucijska politična psi-
hologija in kulturna travma. O teh temah je uredil monografijo in obja-
vil več člankov. Sodeloval je v mednarodnih raziskovalnih skupinah, pro-
jektih in akcijah COST.

Tomaž Deželan
Tomaž Deželan (PhD) is associate professor of Political Science, research
fellow at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana and
assistant secretary-general of the University of Ljubljana. After comple-
tion of his PhD studies he pursued a research career and subsequently co-
ordinated more than 15 basic and applicative national and international
research projects. He holds a prestigious title of Jean Monnet Chair for ci-
tizenship education awarded by the European Commission. He currently
coordinates more than 10 research projects, among them most notably the
project on teaching and learning in higher education (INOVUP) with a
budget of more than three million EUR. Prof. Deželan also performs

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