Page 170 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 170
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 5–6

commentator at national and international levels on security and intelli-
gence issues, and has been to give evidence before the Joint Parliamentary
Committee at the Houses of Parliament on the draft Communications
Data Bill. His current research interests include attitudes towards surveil-
lance in contemporary society, the rise of cyber-threats and cyber-securi-
ty, security issues in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and violent extremism in
Julian Richards je leta 1993 uspešno zaključil doktorat iz političnega na-
silja v Pakistanu na univerzi v Cambridgeu. Nato je skoraj 20 let delal na
področju obveščevalnih podatkov in varnosti za britansko vlado. Leta
2008 je soustanovil podiplomski center za varnostne in obveščevalne štu-
dije (BUCSIS) na Univerzi v Buckinghamu v Veliki Britaniji. Je član ured-
niškega odbora akademskih revij Intelligence and National Security ter
International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs. Objavil
je štiri knjige o različnih vidikih analize obveščevalnih podatkov in na-
cionalne varnosti, vključno z najnovejšo (Extremism, Radicalization and
Security: An Identity Theory Approach), ki podaja podrobno kritiko razis-
kav ekstremizma in radikalizacije ter posledic za politike. Je redni medij-
ski komentator o varnostnih in obveščevalnih vprašanjih na nacionalni
in mednarodni ravni. Je tudi pričal pred skupnim parlamentarnim odbo-
rom na parlamentarnih zasedanjih o osnutku Zakona o komunikacijskih
podatkih. Njegovi trenutni raziskovalni interesi vključujejo odnos do na-
dzora v sodobni družbi, porast kibernetskih groženj in kibernetsko var-
nost, varnostna vprašanja v Pakistanu in Afganistanu ter nasilni ekstre-
mizem v Evropi.

Mitja Sardoč
Mitja Sardoč (PhD) is a senior research associate at the Educational
Research Institute in Ljubljana (Slovenia) where he is member of the
‘Social Contract in the 21st Century’ research programme. He is author
of scholarly articles and editor of a number of journal special issues on
citizenship education, multiculturalism, toleration, equality of opportu-
nity and patriotism. He is Managing Editor of Theory and Research in
Education [] and member of the editorial board
of Educational Philosophy and Theory and the Open Review of Educational
Research. He edited two books published by Wiley (Citizenship, Inclusion
and Democracy and Toleration, Respect and Recognition in Education). He
is also a contributing author to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational
Theory and Philosophy. He is editor-in-chief of The Handbook of Patriotism
[ Patriotism] that is to be published by
Springer in 2019.

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