Page 159 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 159
povzetki ■ abstracts

terrorism takes place locally in many conflict areas of the Middle East,
Asia, Africa, and in European ethnically and religiously mixed cities.
This process is led and stimulated by the global Jihadi idea of establish-
ing an Islamic religious state or caliphate. This paper aims to explain the
process of Islamist radicalisation at the conceptual level, presents the idea
of Jihad, the related misuse of Islamic religious principles, and empiri-
cally explores the related propaganda process, especially the use of social
media and the magazine Inspire to attract and mobilise potential terror-
ists. The paper argues that the basic fight in the radicalisation story is the
fight for the hearts and minds of the population. Finally, the paper pro-
poses some ideas of how to fight Islamist radicalisation in public schools.
Key words: Islamism, radicalisation, extreme violence, terrorism, propa-
ganda, winning hearts and minds, social media, Al Qaeda, ISIS

Islamistični terorizem in islamistična radikalizacija sta postala zelo
resni nacionalni in mednarodni varnostni grožnji v Evropi in tudi širše.
Islamistična radikalizacija v smeri izvajanja ekstremnega nasilja in teroriz-
ma je prisotna na številnih konfliktnih področjih in v evropskih etnično
ter versko mešanih mestih. Ta proces je voden in stimuliran s strani ide-
je globalnega džihada, ki ima cilj vzpostavitve islamske verske države oz.
kalifata. Članek predstavlja proces islamistične radikalizacije, idejo dži-
hada in s tem povezane zlorabe islamskih verskih principov. Poleg tega
se besedilo osredotoča na uporabo socialnih omrežij in revije Inspire v
propagandne in mobilizacijske namene. Članek utemeljuje, da je osnovno
orožje v boju proti radikalizaciji v bistvu boj za “srca in misli” prebivalst-
va. Članek v zaključnem delu izpostavlja ideje, kako se boriti proti islamis-
tični radikalizaciji v javnih šolah. 
Ključne besede: islamizem, radikalizacija, ekstremno nasilje, terorizem,
propaganda, pridobivanje podpore, družbeni mediji, Al Kaida, ISIS

Julian Richards
Interest in radicalism has a long history, dating back at least to the stir-
rings of Enlightenment Europe. Scrutiny of processes of radicalisation,
however, have a much more recent history, with an upsurge in interest fol-
lowing the 9/11 attacks in the US in 2001. Two key drivers have shaped
the renewed interest. First, bureaucratic pressures in governments charged
with dealing with the problem of terrorism have led to a number of at-
tempts to profile terrorists and shape process models that can “explain”

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