Page 23 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 23
z. moody ■ children’s rights to, in and through rducation ...

pervaded with the social issues of today’s globalised world, remains a ma-
jor challenge for 21st century educators. Further, most research on the top-
ic remains focused on describing the current situation, offering few solu-
tions to move towards effective transformative education.

This does not take into account the opportunities for the educa-
tional institution to be a bastion of children’s human rights promotion
and defence: enabling children to become true agents of change capable
of responding to the challenges of our diverse, globalised world in a rea-
soned, enlightened and democratic way, while respecting the rights of all,
for greater social justice. This presents a new set of questions for research-
ers and practitioners: how can these ambitions transcend cultural differ-
ences? How can educators be best trained to manage projects of this na-
ture, which methods and instruments are at their disposal? Transforming
the world of today and tomorrow is both a challenge and an opportunity
faced by education and children’s rights and presented to, by and for chil-
dren, who have never needed their rights more.


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